WMBA 2001 WMBA2001 WMBA/2001 Corporate Social Responsibility


WMBA 2001 WMBA2001 WMBA/2001 Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Social Responsiveness
The world is increasingly changing, and so is the business environment, both in the domestic and international markets.
This has challenged business executives and owners tobecome strategic in how they engage in their operations and interact with other stakeholders in operations management and influence the image and people’s perceptions of the company and its employees.


WMBA 2001 WMBA2001 WMBA/2001 Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Social Responsiveness
The world is increasingly changing, and so is the business environment, both in the domestic and international markets.
This has challenged business executives and owners tobecome strategic in how they engage in their operations and interact with other stakeholders in operations management and influence the image and people’s perceptions of the company and its employees.
Any legitimate business engaged within a certain market must devise approachesthat will be used to meet secondary needs such as the focus on the community, environment,customers as well as employees that have been engaged within the company.
The concernsyielded when the company is seeking to reach these social problems that affect stakeholders canbe explained as corporate social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility can be explainedas a business model within an entity that facilitates self-regulation and committing the companyto actions that can lead to social change and development (Delbard, 2020).
In most cases,companies’ corporate social responsibility is founded on ethical conduct and doing what ismorally right for other stakeholders. Even though this aspect is largely for charity, manycompanies have used such initiatives in marketing techniques to create a positive image inrespective communities and geographical areas of operations.
On the other hand, corporate socialresponsiveness refers to the decision by a business organization to respond to a social need. Inmost cases, corporate social responsiveness is undertaken by a company together with otherbusiness agents to manage the business environment and that of the surrounding community.
Most companies and business organizations will apply corporate social responsibility since it is abroad and wholesome process that will have many positive spillover effects on the company’swellbeing.
Corporate Social Responsibility
The primary goal of corporate social responsibility is to fix pro-social objectives byengaging in some developments that can lead to social change and social impact within aselected community (Yuan et al., 2020).
As businesses are increasingly becoming competitive asmarkets change with change in time and formation, individuals have explored other approachesthat will magnify the image of an entity and have established that corporate social responsibilitycan be a way business can develop as well as advancing social issues and addressing the needs ofcommunities (Beccarra-Vicario et al., 2020).
Therefore, one can understand that corporate socialresponsibility is the approach that businesses will use after they have achieved business results to

WMBA 2001 WMBA2001 WMBA/2001 Corporate Social Responsibility

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