You will use this exercise to see media queries in action on your site. While the styles we apply certainly don’t have to be final, you are encouraged to think of how this exercise will help you design your site.
- In style.css add media queries for THREE different breakpoints. Do your research on common breakpoints and be sure to add comments defining each and explaining why you chose that specific one. Your comments should be in the CSS sheet within comment tags.
- Target two specific elements in your index.html file for each breakpoint, so if the browser screen size is dragged larger and smaller, you are able to clearly see the two different styling changes in the browser for each breakpoint. It can be anything: text color change, background color, etc. Get creative, but be sure to apply other style changes than just the background color.
- Feel free to add classes or IDs attributes, or <span> tags, to your index.html file to help target your HTML elements.
- Save all your files and FTP everything to Coton.
Submit the URL to your HTML file. It should look like the following example: