Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children of Divorced Parents.docx- Snhu


Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children of Divorced Parents.docx- Snhu

I clearly remember the day I separated and divorced my two children’s father. So many feelings ran through my head that day. I always wanted the perfect family for my kids. Our routine changed because I was now a single mother to two small children. My son and daughter who had never went to daycare, now had to attend one. Every day I dropped my son off he would cry and throw the biggest tantrum. At night, he would want to sleep with mommy because he was scared I was leaving too. I knew immediately something was wrong with my young son. I knew the divorce would have lasting and strong effects on my children but little did I know what I was facing.The divorce rate in the United States is rapidly increasing. In fact, the rate currently is 50% of all marriages end in divorce.[CITATION Ame16 \l 1033 ] More than half of those divorces have children involved. The effects of divorce can be traumatic on children and many parents may not realize how serious it can be. Separation Anxiety Disorder is common in children of divorced parents.


Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children of Divorced Parents.docx- Snhu

I clearly remember the day I separated and divorced my two children’s father. So many feelings ran through my head that day. I always wanted the perfect family for my kids. Our routine changed because I was now a single mother to two small children. My son and daughter who had never went to daycare, now had to attend one. Every day I dropped my son off he would cry and throw the biggest tantrum. At night, he would want to sleep with mommy because he was scared I was leaving too. I knew immediately something was wrong with my young son. I knew the divorce would have lasting and strong effects on my children but little did I know what I was facing.The divorce rate in the United States is rapidly increasing. In fact, the rate currently is 50% of all marriages end in divorce.[CITATION Ame16 \l 1033 ] More than half of those divorces have children involved. The effects of divorce can be traumatic on children and many parents may not realize how serious it can be. Separation Anxiety Disorder is common in children of divorced parents.

Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children of Divorced Parents.docx- Snhu

It is important to understand this disorder to properly treat and help children suffering from it.Separation anxiety in children is normal in very young children. Kids often go through phases of being clingy. The normal development of separation starts around age 8 months and can last up to 3 years old. The child may cry and be clingy when a parent leaves for fear the parent won’t return. Children can suffer from simple separation anxiety especially when tired, ill,changes if routine, divorce or birth of new sibling, and changes in caregivers.[ CITATION Car03 \l 1033 ] Separation anxiety develops after a stressful or traumatic event in a child’s life. A child becomes fearful and nervous when away from home or separated from loved ones. Separation Anxiety Disorder is a clinical term that describes an extreme state of distress that’s experienced when a person is separated from someone they are close to. Separation anxiety tends to be more severe in children who have foster or divorced parents.

Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children of Divorced Parents.docx- Snhu

Kids often experience their parent’s divorce as a breaking of trust.[ CITATION Mar13 \l 1033 ] Children of divorce are more vulnerable to suffer Separation Anxiety Disorder due to abrupt separation from one of the parents after a divorce. In a study that examined 95 students between ages 8-12 years old, Miguel Hernandez University in Spain found that children of divorce present higher levels of separation anxiety than the children whose parents remain together.[ CITATION MOr08 \l 1033 ]In a 2005 national study, 28.8% of kids suffer from some form of separation anxiety. The median age of onset for anxiety is 11 years old.

Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children of Divorced Parents.docx- Snhu


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