
PSY510 PSY 510  Milestone 2 Annotated Bibliography – SNHU


PSY510 PSY 510  Milestone 2 Annotated Bibliography – SNHU

Research question: Can color affect our mood? If color affects our mood, then it can be used to help us work more productively. Hypothesis: This research will be looking for proof that different colors in these environments can either help someone or hinder someone. By using specific colors in these environments, can we improve mood, focus, and even energy levels to increase productivity? More specifically, can apply these colors in a correctional setting help inmates remain more calm, positive, and productive during their stay in a correctional facility? Annotated BibliographyElliot, A. J. (2018). A historically based review of empirical work on color and psychological functioning: Content, methods, and recommendations for future research.


PSY510 PSY 510  Milestone 2 Annotated Bibliography – SNHU

Research question: Can color affect our mood? If color affects our mood, then it can be used to help us work more productively. Hypothesis: This research will be looking for proof that different colors in these environments can either help someone or hinder someone. By using specific colors in these environments, can we improve mood, focus, and even energy levels to increase productivity? More specifically, can apply these colors in a correctional setting help inmates remain more calm, positive, and productive during their stay in a correctional facility? Annotated BibliographyElliot, A. J. (2018).

PSY510 PSY 510  Milestone 2 Annotated Bibliography – SNHU

A historically based review of empirical work on color and psychological functioning: Content, methods, and recommendations for future research. Review of General Psychology.Abstract: Empirical work on color and psychological functioning have a long history, dating back to the 19th century. This early research focused on five different areas: Arousal, physical strength, preference, time perception, and attention. In the present paper, I overview the relations observed in this early research and detail methodological weaknesses therein. I then trace subsequent 20th and 21st-century developments in these research areas, in terms of both content and methods.

PSY510 PSY 510  Milestone 2 Annotated Bibliography – SNHU

Finally, I extend the review to cover the full breadth of research in this domain of inquiry and provide guidelines for interpreting existing work and conducting future work. Thus, this historically based review tells us much about research on color and psychological functioning, including where it started, where it has been, where it is, and where it can go. Annotation: By using this article as a research insight, I can get an idea of what research has been done on my topic in the past

PSY510 PSY 510  Milestone 2 Annotated Bibliography – SNHU


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