PSY 624 PSY624 PSY/624 Final Project Milestone 1.docx- Snhu


PSY 624 PSY624 PSY/624 Final Project Milestone 1.docx- Snhu

A primary purpose of incarceration is to provide treatment and rehabilitation to reduce recidivism rates. Looking at recidivism rates, untreated offenders were 3.76 times more likely to re offend then offenders that were treated (Stewart, 2014). The high and moderate intensity programs provided while being incarcerated are working and achieving goals of reducing violence (Stewart, 2014). Treatments have come a long ways and seem to be having a positive effect on a large amount of offenders. A more successful and individualized treatment is needed to rehabilitate and provide services to incarcerated individuals (Meijers, 2017). Taking a neurophysiology’s test may be a contender in predicting if an offender would re offend, as some individuals try to influence test results when a self-report questionnaire is given (Meijer, 2017). The RNR (Risk Need Responsibility Model) helped aid in seeing how effect treatment programs are for offenders. In regards to Andrews and Bonta’s research they believe that when an offender is listed as a “high risk” they should get the best treatment around to keep the recidivism rates down (Looman, 2015). Focus should be placed in non-criminal areas life self-esteem, so while being incarcerated therapy should be modified to each offender to motivate and improve their chances of be rehabilitated (Looman, 2015).


PSY 624 PSY624 PSY/624 Final Project Milestone 1.docx- Snhu

A primary purpose of incarceration is to provide treatment and rehabilitation to reduce recidivism rates. Looking at recidivism rates, untreated offenders were 3.76 times more likely to re offend then offenders that were treated (Stewart, 2014). The high and moderate intensity programs provided while being incarcerated are working and achieving goals of reducing violence (Stewart, 2014). Treatments have come a long ways and seem to be having a positive effect on a large amount of offenders. A more successful and individualized treatment is needed to rehabilitate and provide services to incarcerated individuals (Meijers, 2017). Taking a neurophysiology’s test may be a contender in predicting if an offender would re offend, as some individuals try to influence test results when a self-report questionnaire is given (Meijer, 2017).

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The RNR (Risk Need Responsibility Model) helped aid in seeing how effect treatment programs are for offenders. In regards to Andrews and Bonta’s research they believe that when an offender is listed as a “high risk” they should get the best treatment around to keep the recidivism rates down (Looman, 2015). Focus should be placed in non-criminal areas life self-esteem, so while being incarcerated therapy should be modified to each offender to motivate and improve their chances of be rehabilitated (Looman, 2015). Non-violent offenders are individuals who have committed crimes that do not harm anyone or use a force. Non-violent offenders have a stronger chance to succeed in the “normal” world once they are released from prison or are off of probation.

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It’s been provided that certain employment interventions can help non-violent offenders that has a substance abuse problem (Newton, Day, Giles, Wodak, Graffam & Baldry 2018). When the non-violent offenders attend a drug ordered court program, it shows a positive effect on full-time and part-time employment patterns (Newton, Day, Giles, Wodak, Graffam & Baldry 2018). Recidivism rates do not need to be a number but looking at the quality care the treatment facilities are providing. Non-violent offenders who lacked employment skills before entering prison and participated in the program, came out of the program better off and were more likely to be working and earning more money.

PSY 624 PSY624 PSY/624 Final Project Milestone 1.docx- Snhu


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