Psy 624 Psy/624 Psy624 Milestone Two: LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS.docx- Snhu


 Psy 624 Psy/624 Psy624 Milestone Two: LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS.docx- Snhu

Ethical Concerns Mental health professionals are bound when it comes to ethical concerns when they are treating non-violent offenders, violent offenders, and trauma victims all within the legal system constraints. There are unique ethical concerns for each of these targeted population and depends solely on the etiology of each case. For non-violent offenders and violent offender’s ethical dilemmas of informed consent are different for that of trauma victims, because according to Institute of Medicine (2007), obtaining informed consent is a challenge due poor reading and communications. This is mainly because of the education level prisoners and because of prison institutions being closed facilities that are in place to punish and confine (Institute of Medicine,2007). Some other ethical dilemmas are the barriers to privacy and the right to refuse treatment which is a difficult task (Institute of Medicine, 2007). Confidential health information can be shared with the community for the sole purpose of avoiding danger and protecting the community (Institute of Medicine, 2007). For trauma victim’s ethical concerns are different because they are victims and not offenders there is access to them unlike offenders who are confined. Although there is access to trauma victims, there are still ethical concerns, according to Mailloux, S. L. (2014), when working through traumatic experience can result in emotional chaos for the victim and it is important to consider whether a victim can give consent to therapy


 Psy 624 Psy/624 Psy624 Milestone Two: LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS.docx- Snhu

Ethical Concerns Mental health professionals are bound when it comes to ethical concerns when they are treating non-violent offenders, violent offenders, and trauma victims all within the legal system constraints. There are unique ethical concerns for each of these targeted population and depends solely on the etiology of each case. For non-violent offenders and violent offender’s ethical dilemmas of informed consent are different for that of trauma victims, because according to Institute of Medicine (2007), obtaining informed consent is a challenge due poor reading and communications. This is mainly because of the education level prisoners and because of prison institutions being closed facilities that are in place to punish and confine (Institute of Medicine,2007). Some other ethical dilemmas are the barriers to privacy and the right to refuse treatment which is a difficult task (Institute of Medicine, 2007). Confidential health information can be shared with the community for the sole purpose of avoiding danger and protecting the community (Institute of Medicine, 2007).

 Psy 624 Psy/624 Psy624 Milestone Two: LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS.docx- Snhu

For trauma victim’s ethical concerns are different because they are victims and not offenders there is access to them unlike offenders who are confined. Although there is access to trauma victims, there are still ethical concerns, according to Mailloux, S. L. (2014), when working through traumatic experience can result in emotional chaos for the victim and it is important to consider whether a victim can give consent to therapy.Also, another ethical consideration is the risk of re-dramatization which can occur when a mental health professional becomes complacent (Mailloux, 2014). An ethical principle that applies to all three populations is “Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity,” which according to Behnke, S. (2004), that psychologists respect the dignity and worth of all people, and the rights of individuals. On way to maintain the dignity and right of the individual is if mental health.

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Providing the victim with how there information will be used in
regards to the case should be shared. For trauma victims a big ticket for them is staying
protected from the person that committed the crime against them. Victims may not want to share
data that happened because they are ashamed of it or simply scared and if they know protection
is there for them, they are liable to give out more information in the case.
Ethical Guidelines
Ethical Guidelines are something that every psychologist must follow not matter who
their client is and is something that should be followed no matter the case. One principle being
Beneficence and Non maleficence that states, psychologists endeavor to profit those with whom
they work and take care to do no mischief (APA, 2017).

 Psy 624 Psy/624 Psy624 Milestone Two: LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS.docx- Snhu

In their expert activities, therapists look

to defend the welfare and privileges of those with whom they cooperate expertly and other
influenced people, and the welfare of creature subjects of research. At the point when clashes
happen among therapists’ commitments or concerns, they endeavor to determine these
contentions in a dependable design that maintains a strategic distance from or limits hurt.
Another principle is Fidelity and Responsibility in which psychologist build up connections of
trust with those with whom they work (APA, 2017). They know about their expert and logical
duties to society and to the particular networks where they work. They also maintain proficient
guidelines of direct, explain their expert jobs and commitments, acknowledge fitting obligation
regarding their conduct, and try to oversee irreconcilable situations that could prompt abuse or
mischief. Psychologist counsel with, allude to, or coordinate with different experts and
organizations to the degree expected to serve the best advantages of those with whom they work.
Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity is a rather important one for the psychologist to follow.

 Psy 624 Psy/624 Psy624 Milestone Two: LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS.docx- Snhu



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