PSY 620 PSY620 PSY/620 child development.docx – Snhu


PSY 620 PSY620 PSY/620 child development.docx – Snhu

The Attachment Styles Attachment refers to the manner in which a person relates to the other individuals. The four different types of attachment styles include the secure, avoidant, ambivalent, and disorganized attachment.From the four attachments, I think I was raised with the secure attachment (Gillath 1652). When my mother was present, I demonstrated this kind of attachment by feeling very secure and safe to engage in play with the other kids. I could even explore the world. I felt safe when my mother was around me all the time. However, when my mom attempted to leave, I could protest by crying. I felt distressed but usually, it did not last for long because I knew that at the end of the day, I would see my mother. Upon the return of my mom, I could be pleased and at times when I was upset, I could feel comforted immediately. I could not feel free to play with other children in the absence of my mother. No one could comfort me apart from my mother.


PSY 620 PSY620 PSY/620 child development.docx – Snhu

The Attachment Styles Attachment refers to the manner in which a person relates to the other individuals. The four different types of attachment styles include the secure, avoidant, ambivalent, and disorganized attachment.From the four attachments, I think I was raised with the secure attachment (Gillath 1652). When my mother was present, I demonstrated this kind of attachment by feeling very secure and safe to engage in play with the other kids. I could even explore the world. I felt safe when my mother was around me all the time. However, when my mom attempted to leave, I could protest by crying. I felt distressed but usually, it did not last for long because I knew that at the end of the day, I would see my mother. Upon the return of my mom, I could be pleased and at times when I was upset, I could feel comforted immediately. I could not feel free to play with other children in the absence of my mother. No one could comfort me apart from my mother.

PSY 620 PSY620 PSY/620 child development.docx – Snhu

I still have this kind of attachment up to now. I have a strong sense of myself,and always desire close relations with other people. I have a positive view of all relationships.That is to mean, my life is balanced. I think that I will use the same attachment style to raise my children. This is the best method to use in raising the children because it creates a compassionate atmosphere where the children feel free to share their emotions with you (Gillath 1652). With this style, the children will be able to form healthy relationships with the other people and thus,they will not be loners.

PSY 620 PSY620 PSY/620 child development.docx – Snhu

Survey results:Children – gross (N), annoying (N), immature (N); innocent (P), small (N), annoying (N); babies(O), cute (P), annoying (N); needy (N), small (N), annoying (N); kindergarten (O), the future (P),innocent (P); toys (O), innocent (P), dependent (N); cute (P), funny (P), wild (N); adorable (P),sweet (P), loving (P); brats (N), sticky (N), whiny (N); immature (N), crazy (N), loud (N). Teenagers – mean (N), scary (N), immature (N); tough age (N), impressionable (N), mistakes (N);music (O), curious (O), difficult (N); rebellious (N), parties (O), trouble (N); trouble maker (N),weird (N), mean (N); annoying (N), dumb (N), rude (N); annoying (N), dramatic (N), lost (N);

PSY 620 PSY620 PSY/620 child development.docx – Snhu

development (O), rebellious (N), tough (N); inconsiderate (N), nasty (N), rude (N); challenge (N),difficult (N), lost (N). Middle-aged adults – hard-working (P), tail end (N), envious (N); work (O), busy (O),independent (P); parents (O), marriage (O), responsibilities (O); lame (N), mom (O), dad (O);boring (N), old (N), tragic (N); boring (N), content (P), loud (N); rock bottom (N), work (O), sad(N); parents (O), marriage (O), independent (P); work (O), stuck in a rut (N), responsibilities (O);entitled (N), stress (N), work (O). Senior citizens – fun (P), retired (O), mature (P); retired (O), sickly (N), hope they have enough(O); old (N), funny (P), cute (P); old (N), wise (P), discounts (O); cute (P), retirement (O), grand kids (O); needy (N), experienced (P), tired (N); wisdom (P), experienced (P), settle (O);forgotten (N), sad (N), end (N); wise (P), hospice (N), cute (P); loved (P), happy (P), adorable (P).

PSY 620 PSY620 PSY/620 child development.docx – Snhu



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