PSY 618 sem wk 5 ethical impact.docx -Snhu


PSY 618 sem wk 5 ethical impact.docx -Snhu

Introduction A company with a strong ethical culture is a company that understands the importance of safeguarding their assets. It isn’t just in the hands of leadership but in every employee that works within the company. Ethics are important to businesses, but it is just as important to treat employees in an ethical manner. Leaders should be held to a higher standard of ethics. According to Strauss and Petrecca (2012), CEO’s are becoming progressively more at risk of being outed for ethics violations because of their personal, public, and corporate missteps (Strauss & Petrecca, 2012). A single employee regardless of whether they are in a leadership position or not,when treated unethically or acts in an unethical manner, can do a great deal of damage to a company, even cause it to fail. Change Impact With any type of organizational change, there is a chance for ethical issues. Those at risk are the employees who are required to align themselves with future changes. In order to increase productivity, morale, and effectiveness, the affected employees must feel as though the issues were being solved in a manner that is reflected in the leadership style and decision-making process of the consultant. Finkelman and Lopez (2012) state that “although practitioners have.



PSY 618 sem wk 5 ethical impact.docx -Snhu

Introduction A company with a strong ethical culture is a company that understands the importance of safeguarding their assets. It isn’t just in the hands of leadership but in every employee that works within the company. Ethics are important to businesses, but it is just as important to treat employees in an ethical manner. Leaders should be held to a higher standard of ethics. According to Strauss and Petrecca (2012), CEO’s are becoming progressively more at risk of being outed for ethics violations because of their personal, public, and corporate missteps (Strauss & Petrecca, 2012). A single employee regardless of whether they are in a leadership position or not,when treated unethically or acts in an unethical manner, can do a great deal of damage to a company, even cause it to fail. Change Impact With any type of organizational change, there is a chance for ethical issues. Those at risk are the employees who are required to align themselves with future changes. In order to increase productivity, morale, and effectiveness, the affected employees must feel as though the issues were being solved in a manner that is reflected in the leadership style and decision-making process of the consultant. Finkelman and Lopez (2012) state that “although practitioners have.

PSY 618 sem wk 5 ethical impact.docx -Snhu

Ethical Impact on Employee Impact Sanderson Soaps operates based on a family-oriented philosophy. The CEO, Emily Sanderson, primarily hires family members and only has family members in executive and leadership roles. This philosophy is the foundation of Sanderson Soaps’ issues concerning turnover, absenteeism, and productivity. Non-family member employees are not granted the same advancement opportunities as family members. To resolve their issues, it is proposed to have qualified candidates fulfill leadership roles, whether that is non-family members or family members. It is also suggested that the current leadership is given leadership development training. For example, a democratic approach could help improve productivity and reduce turnover and absenteeism.

PSY 618 sem wk 5 ethical impact.docx -Snhu

Leadership development training will focus on crafting each individual leader to match their leadership role and organizational structure (Kjellström et al.,2020). These changes will have a varying impact on Sanderson Soaps’ employees. Employees expect to receive rewards (e.g., recognition and benefits) when performing their job adequately(Al-zawahreh & Al Madi, 2012). Allowing non-family members to fulfill leadership roles and providing an equal chance of promotion is a form of reward that could lead to higher motivation and productivity. It could also have the reverse effect on family member employees because they will not be guaranteed leadership roles or leniency in their failures, such as John Sanderson. Impact The Sullivan Soap Company is a family-owned and operated company.Founded by Grace and Jack Sullivan, they build a company that has steadily grown over the last 40+ years with modest success.The co-founders have primarily hired family members and have only family members in the executive and leadership roles at the company.This seems to be the company’s philosophy and is the foundation of issues regarding productivity and high turn overrates.

PSY 618 sem wk 5 ethical impact.docx -Snhu

Non-family member employees do not seem to be placed in type of leadership role or even have the same opportunities as family members.A way to solve this issue is to have qualified candidates in the leadership roles, and this can be family members or non-family members.Another suggestion is to have leadership development training courses for the current leadership at Sullivan Soap.These training courses can help a manager develop competencies in building relationships, developing people, inspiring people, and thinking critically to list a few (Ratanjee,2021). A third suggestion is to implement satisfaction surveys.This is a way to allow the employees of a company to voice any concerns they have about people they work with and their company all while remaining anonymous.These few suggestions will have a big impact on the Sullivan Soap Company and its employees.Humans in general like to be recognized and rewarded for achievements, especially in their professional careers.If the Sullivan Soap Company promotes non-family members to leadership roles all while giving an equal opportunity to promote to a higher role can be viewed as a reward.This may help increase motivation and productivity within the company.This may also make family members work harder in their roles because they will realize that they have competition.

PSY 618 sem wk 5 ethical impact.docx -Snhu


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