PSY/618 PSY 6186-3 Journal: Reflection on Experience- Snhu


PSY/618 PSY 6186-3 Journal: Reflection on Experience- Snhu

This course thus far has been remarkable! I have found that this course challenges me to pull all that I have acquired from my previous courses; which has encouraged me to review the standards of practice within my current company. In addition, I find that this course is assisting with the fine tuning of my understanding of I/O psychology, as well as guiding me through the executing of my knowledge within my organization.Since this journey, I have developed a humble confidence that has enabled me to take initiative that I would’ve otherwise not felt confident enough to pursue. With that stated, I am currently up for a promotion, due to the significant changes in my leadership style and the implementing of interventions that have aided my teams in being more productive. It’s so amazing to have those “Ah Ha” moments during the work day and you kind of chuckle to.


PSY/618 PSY 6186-3 Journal: Reflection on Experience- Snhu

This course thus far has been remarkable! I have found that this course challenges me to pull all that I have acquired from my previous courses; which has encouraged me to review the standards of practice within my current company. In addition, I find that this course is assisting with the fine tuning of my understanding of I/O psychology, as well as guiding me through the executing of my knowledge within my organization.Since this journey, I have developed a humble confidence that has enabled me to take initiative that I would’ve otherwise not felt confident enough to pursue. With that stated, I am currently up for a promotion, due to the significant changes in my leadership style and the implementing of interventions that have aided my teams in being more productive. It’s so amazing to have those “Ah Ha” moments during the work day and you kind of chuckle to.

PSY/618 PSY 6186-3 Journal: Reflection on Experience- Snhu

SHORT PAPER – FOSTERING PRODUCTIVITY2Company Diversity The diversity climate at Sanderson Soaps has room for improvement.The executive team is predominantly male at three to two, or three to one excluding CEO Emily.Additionally,the team is comprised of the eldest members of the family which is not necessarily a surprise given the level of experience an executive position typically requires.However, not having any younger executives or managers presents the possibility of being out of touch with the concerns,viewpoints, and know-how of younger generations.As expected in a family owned and operated organization, there is little racial or cultural diversity. There is only one person of color within the organization, son-in-law San jay.It is unclear whether the company employs those with disabilities or those within the LGBTQ+ community.Proposed Changes Since the organization is having productivity and performance problems, some of them quite severe, it is likely that diversity is not the cause.The organizational make up is racially and culturally homogeneous while there seems to be more men and older individuals in executive and management positions and perhaps overall across the company.With plans to handover several executive positions as well as potential plans to expand sales, marketing, and other operations.

PSY/618 PSY 6186-3 Journal: Reflection on Experience- Snhu

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