
PSY 211 PSY211 PSY/211 3-1 Discussion Attachment Style.docx


PSY 211 PSY211 PSY/211 3-1 Discussion Attachment Style.docx

What aspects of research in attachment are important to consider in foster care placements or systems?
Children rely on their caregivers and parents to provide synchrony, nurturance, stability of care, and commitment. These four dimensions of attachment help children govern their physiology, attention, emotions, and behavior.
Caregivers in the child welfare system areless likely to provide the four dimensions of care. As a result, children placed in the foster care system are more at risk of behavioral and physiological problems (Dozier et al., 2013).


PSY 211 PSY211 PSY/211 3-1 Discussion Attachment Style.docx

What aspects of research in attachment are important to consider in foster care placements or systems?
Children rely on their caregivers and parents to provide synchrony, nurturance, stability of care, and commitment. These four dimensions of attachment help children govern their physiology, attention, emotions, and behavior.
Caregivers in the child welfare system areless likely to provide the four dimensions of care. As a result, children placed in the foster care system are more at risk of behavioral and physiological problems (Dozier et al., 2013).
What are some of the everyday situations in early life-span development that influence attachment style?Stability of care is presumed for many children, but those within the child welfare system often have disrupted relationships.
“Children who experience more disruptions in care can show deficits in executive functioning…” (Dozier et al., 2013). To enhance the foster care

PSY 211 PSY211 PSY/211 3-1 Discussion Attachment Style.docx

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