



  • MIS582 iLab 2 Data Modeling Using Visio,
  • MIS582 iLab 3 Database Construction Using MySQL,
  • MIS582 Week 4 Course Project ABC Company Order Inventory System Database,
  • MIS582 Week 6 Course Project ABC Company Order Inventory System Database
MIS582 Week 6 Course Project ABC Company Order Inventory System Database

Scenario and Summary

In this assignment, you will create and populate a MySQL database based on the ERD you created in task2. Update the ERD you submitted for task2 with the corrections required by your instructor. To help you with this task, your instructor will provide you with the data dictionary of the database. This will provide you information on every table that you must create for the ABC Company database.



  • MIS582 iLab 2 Data Modeling Using Visio,
  • MIS582 iLab 3 Database Construction Using MySQL,
  • MIS582 Week 4 Course Project ABC Company Order Inventory System Database,
  • MIS582 Week 6 Course Project ABC Company Order Inventory System Database

MIS582 Week 6 Course Project ABC Company Order Inventory System Database

Scenario and Summary

In this assignment, you will create and populate a MySQL database based on the ERD you created in task2. Update the ERD you submitted for task2 with the corrections required by your instructor. To help you with this task, your instructor will provide you with the data dictionary of the database. This will provide you information on every table that you must create for the ABC Company database. Every entity can be found listed in the data dictionary along with the PK/FK information as well as the data types for the attributes. These data types are MySQL data types so they can go directly in the create table statements. Using the corrected ERD and the data dictionary provided, write the necessary MySQL statements to create the ABC company database. To complete this assignment, you will need to be able to run MySQL via Omnymbus.

1. Corrected ERD based on the instructor feedback and data dictionary. The data dictionary titled COURSE PROJECT Week6Task3DataDictonary.xlsx can be found in the folder titled Course Project Documents. Save your file as Lastname_Task3_revisedERD.vsd.
2. Script file as Lastname_task3.sql which includes all the drop, create, alter, and insert statements needed to create the ABC Company database.
3. Word document showing the run result of the script file saved as Lastname_task3Result.docx.
4. When you are done, upload a zip file containing the three files to the Week 6: Course Project Week 6 Task 3 Dropbox.

Revise the ERD you submitted for the previous task with the feedback provided by your instructor and the help of the given data dictionary document.


  • Write create table statements for each table in the database in a file. Use the data types given in the data dictionary. Make sure every table has primary key(s), foreign keys if required, and not nulls if required. (Refer to data dictionary for this information)
  • Save the file with the name Lastname_Task3.sql.
  • Login to your MySQL account via Omnymbus.
  • Create the database following the naming convention which is databaseName_loginId. You may use MIS582Project_####, replace the #### with your four-digit username.
  • Click on the database name you just created.
  • Run the script file by choosing Run SQL from file button. Select From uploaded file and find your file by clicking on the browse button. Once you find the file, click on the Execute button.
  • If there are no errors, all tables will be successfully created. You may check them by adding SHOW TABLES at the end of your script file.
  • If you have errors, correct those errors and execute the script again until it is error free.
  • You may test each create table statement individually by clicking the Execute SQL button and pasting the create statement in the window.
  • Be sure to drop all tables before running the script file to create all tables at once.

Adding data to your database.

  • Write insert statements to successfully insert data into each table.
  • A minimum of 3 rows are required for each table.
  • Check the data in each table by running a SELECT * FROM table query.
  • You may add these statements to your script file and run everything together.

Points for will be awarded according to the following rubrics.
Points, Require
10 Points, Visio drawing: Revised E-R model provided as a Visio diagram
15 Points, CREATE STATEMENTS: Successfully creating all tables
5 Points, PRIMARY KEYS: Correct primary keys created for all tables
5 Points, FOREIGN KEYS: All required foreign keys created
5 Points, ALTER STATEMENT: Any alter statements required
10 Points, INSERT STATEMENTS: Minimum three rows per table found


  • MIS582 iLab 2 Data Modeling Using Visio,
  • MIS582 iLab 3 Database Construction Using MySQL,
  • MIS582 Week 4 Course Project ABC Company Order Inventory System Database,
  • MIS582 Week 6 Course Project ABC Company Order Inventory System Database

MIS582 Week 4 Course Project ABC Company Order Inventory System Database

Scenario and Summary
In this assignment, you will learn to create a physical database model in Visio from business requirements. To complete this assignment, you will need to be able to run Visio 2010, either through Citrix or installed on your workstation or laptop.

Name your Visio file as Lastname_Task2.vsd. Create and save your database model in your Visio file. When you are done, submit your document to the Week 4: Course Project Task 2 Dropbox.

Read the following business requirements closely to determine the entities and relationships needed to fulfill the requirements. The nouns in the paragraph will tell you the entities that will be needed. The adjectives that describe those nouns are the attributes of that entity. The verbs in the paragraph will help you determine the relationships between the entities.

ABC Company Order Inventory System

Database Requirements
The ABC company has many stores in many locations that are divided in regions. The company supplies products to these stores. For the purposes of this database you may think that it is an American company in terms of regions such as Midwest.
Each store is their customer/client. The company recognizes these stores by their store ID. They also keep track of the store name, address, and contact name.
Stores may place orders online, or by phone/fax. Each order must be uniquely identified by an order number. Each order has a date on which the order was made, a date when the order was shipped, an employee who took the order (or it could be an online order), and the mode of payment.
To make sure that the stores get their order on time, the stores are assigned to different warehouses in different regions. Currently, there is one warehouse for every region. Each warehouse is identified by its warehouse number. The company also tracks the address of the warehouse as well as a contact phone number.
There are five regions: West, Midwest, Southwest, Southeast, and Northwest. Each region is identified by its unique name and unique number.
Each warehouse holds many products for this company. A product may be found in many warehouses. The company keeps track of this inventory. At any point in time, the company must be able to find which warehouses carry this item, the quantity in stock, reorder point and whether this item is out of stock.
Each product has a unique id, a description, a price. Each product could be on many orders, and an order may have multiple products on it. The company needs to track what quantity was ordered for each product and the total price for those products.
Phone/Fax orders are processed by the employees of the company. The company keeps track of the employee’s id, first and last names, position, hire date, department they work for, their supervisor, and their salary.


  • Run Visio 2010 either via Citrix or on your workstation.
  • Click on the Software and Database template group in the main window.
  • Double-click on the Database Model Diagram template to open a new file.
  • Save the file with the name Lastname_Task2.vsd. You will need to click the computer icon in the Save As window to see the different drives. Be sure to save the file to a local drive so it will be on your workstation.


  • Add an entity for each entity you identified in the requirements.
  • Drag the entity icon onto the drawing area in Visio.
  • In the Database Properties window, add a physical name to identify it.

For each entity, create a list of attributes you think would be useful to describe the entity.

  • Select an entity in the drawing area of Visio.
  • In the Database Properties window, select the Columns category.
  • Use the table to add your attributes to the selected entities.
  • Select the primary key (PK).

Set the diagram to use crow’s feet notation.

  • On the Database tab, in the Manage group, click Display Options.
  • In the Database Document Option dialog, select the Relationship tab.
  • Select the Crow’s Feet check box, and then click OK.

Draw relationships between your entities.

  • Drag the relationship icon onto a blank part of the drawing area.
  • Connect the two ends to each of the two entities in the relationship. The parent entity must have a PK defined. The entity will be outlined in bold red lines when it connects to one end of the relationship.

Set the cardinality of your relationships.

  • Select a relationship line in the drawing area that is connecting two entities.
  • In the Database Properties window, select the Miscellaneous category.
  • Select the cardinality for the selected relationship.

When you are done, save the file on your local hard drive and upload it to the Week 4:
Course Project Week 4 Task 2 Dropbox. Your file should have the following filename format: Lastname_Task2.vsd.
For instructions on how to copy files between the Citrix server and your local machine, watch the iLab tutorial, Copying Files From Citrix, located in the iLab menu tab under Course Home.


  • MIS582 iLab 2 Data Modeling Using Visio,
  • MIS582 iLab 3 Database Construction Using MySQL,
  • MIS582 Week 4 Course Project ABC Company Order Inventory System Database,
  • MIS582 Week 6 Course Project ABC Company Order Inventory System Database

MIS582 iLab 3 Database Construction Using MySQL

In this assignment, you will learn to create a database schema from a given ERD. To complete this assignment, you will need to be able to run a script in MySQL.
Please ensure that you can connect to MySQL on the Omnymbus edupe web server.
Contact your instructor for assistance for any issues that you are having with the MySQL/edupe environment.

SQL script file named LastName_Wk5.sql. That is a txt document with the .sql extension. It is a script of SQL commands that executes in a MYSQL environment.
A text document named LastName_Wk5_Output.txt which is a copy of the results obtained when the SQL command script it run. The Instructor must be able to run our script and obtain identical results.
When you are done submit them to the Week 5: iLab Dropbox. Files that have been opened or processed by any software other than Notepad are not acceptable. Zipped files are not acceptable and may be returned ungraded.

Required Software
MySQL in the edupe environment. SQLZOO may be used to test the scripts.
Access the software at https://devry.edupe.net:8300.

Steps 1–8 iLAB STEPS

STEP 1: Entity Relationship Diagram Analysis
Review the ERD below to understand the entities, attributes, primary keys, and relationships that you will create in your MySQL database.

STEP 1: Create a New Database
Create a new database following the naming conventions we are using for our databases, as specified in the tutorial file Creating a Database within MySQL.pdf listed in the doc-sharing folder titled “Omnymbus Tutorial Files” in Doc-Sharing. All of our work in this iLab, will be done under this database.

STEP 2: Create SQL File

  • To reference, learn and apply MySQL’s own dialect of the SQL language to this iLab, browse through the file M10C_KROE8352_13_SE_WC10C.pdf in the Doc Sharing folder titled My SQL Documents.
  • Create a script file named LastName_Wk5.sql containing SQL statements created in Steps 3–7 below.
  • But first include the following commands at the top of your script:

STEP 3: Add Tables, Set Primary Keys and Foreign Keys
Add tables to the MySQL database.

  • Add a table for each entity listed in the provided ERD diagram.
  • Add a column for each attribute listed in the provided ERD diagram.
  • Select primary key for each table as indicated in the provided ERD diagram.
  • Identify foreign key relationship between tables as indicated in the provided ERD diagram.
  • Enable referential integrity on the relationship.
  • Enable cascade updates on the relationship.

STEP 4: Set Data Types for Table Fields
For every column in every table, update the data type as needed to enforce the domain constraints of the data.

  • Dates should have a date data type.
  • Surrogate keys should be auto-numbered.
  • Numeric data should have a numeric data type.
  • Character data should have a character data type.

STEP 5: Set Column Constraints
Set the following column constraints in your database.

  • Student first and last name cannot be a null value.
  • Course credit hours must be between one and four.
  • Course name must be unique and cannot be a null value.
  • Instructor first and last name cannot be a null value.
  • Grade must be one of these values: A, B, C, D, F, I, W, or E. W signifies withdrawn and E signifies enrolled.

STEP 6: Add Data to Tables
Write INSERT statements to add at least 2–3 rows of data to each table in your database. Use any values that you like for each of the columns. Remember that you must add data to parent tables before adding data to child tables, because referential integrity is enabled.
HINT – Do not spend any lengthy amount of time on the INSERTs. This data has no use other than making sure the CREATE ran correctly.

STEP 7: Run the Script

  • Include a COMMIT command at the end of the script.
  • Include SHOW TABLES command at the end of the script, to show all tables created.
  • Include SELECT statements for each table at the end of the script, to show data inserted.
  • Give your script a run, by uploading into Omnymbus and executing it just like you did in iLab1.
  • Paste a copy of the output in a Notepad document named LastName_Lab3_Output.TXT

Step 8: Save and Upload to Dropbox
When you are done, submit the following files to the Week 5: iLab Dropbox:

  • LastName_Wk5.sql A text file you created with Notepad
  • LastName_Wk5_Output.txt A text file created by copy and paste from edupe.

Points will be awarded according to the following rubrics.

  • 5 points: Table created for each entity in the provided E-R model
  • 5 points: Column created for each attribute in the provided E-R model
  • 5 points: Primary key added for each table with unique constraints specified as column properties
  • 5 points: Data type set for each attribute
    1. Dates should have a date data type.
    2. Surrogate keys should be autonumbered.
    3. Numeric data should have a numeric data type.
    4. Character data should have a character data type.
  • 10 Points: Relationships created as shown on the provided E-R model
    1. Relationships enabled for referential integrity
    2. Relationships enabled for cascade updates.
  • 10 Points: At least two rows of data added for each table
  • 10 Points: Column constraints added as indicated in project description, checked by adding rows to data with invalid values
    1. Student name cannot be set to null.
    2. Course credit hours are restricted to between one and four.
    3. Course name must be unique and cannot be set to null.
    4. Instructor last name and first name cannot be set to null.
    5. Grade is restricted to be one of these values: A, B, C, D, F, I, W, or E (enrolled).


  • MIS582 iLab 2 Data Modeling Using Visio,
  • MIS582 iLab 3 Database Construction Using MySQL,
  • MIS582 Week 4 Course Project ABC Company Order Inventory System Database,
  • MIS582 Week 6 Course Project ABC Company Order Inventory System Database

MIS582 iLab 2 Data Modeling Using Visio

Scenario and Summary

In this assignment, you will learn to create a physical database model in Visio from business requirements. To complete this assignment, you will need to be able to run Visio 2010, either through Citrix or installed on your workstation or laptop.

Name your Visio file using Lab2_, your first initial, and your last name (e.g., Lab2_JSmith.vsd). Create and save your database model in your Visio file.

  • MIS582 iLab 2 Data Modeling Using Visio,
  • MIS582 iLab 3 Database Construction Using MySQL,
  • MIS582 Week 4 Course Project ABC Company Order Inventory System Database,
  • MIS582 Week 6 Course Project ABC Company Order Inventory System Database


Read the following business requirements closely to determine the entities and relationships needed to fulfill the requirements. The nouns in the paragraph will tell you the entities that will be needed. The verbs in the paragraph will help you determine the relationships between the entities.
Muscles Health Club Database Requirements:
The Muscles Health Club needs a database to keep track of its members, their personal trainers, and the fitness classes they are taking. Employees can act as personal trainers for members. However, only certified employees can act as personal trainers. A member can work with only one personal trainer at a time. Members can take multiple fitness classes. Fitness classes are taught by employees who can teach multiple classes. Fitness classes are taught in one of the classrooms at one of Muscles Health Club’s several locations. Each fitness classroom is designed for a different type of class (e.g., spinning, aerobics, water aerobics, weight training, etc.). It is necessary to track what fitness classes are being held in each of the different Muscles Health Club locations.


  • Run Visio 2010 either via Citrix or on your workstation.
  • Click on the Software and Database Template group in the main window.
  • Double-click on the Database Model Diagram Template to open a new file.
  • Save the file with a name containing Lab2_, your first initial, and your last name as the file name (e.g., Lab2_JSmith.accdb). You will need to click the computer icon in the Save As window to see the different drives. Be sure to save the file to a local drive so it will be on your workstation.


  • Add an entity for each entity you identified in the requirements.
  • Drag the entity icon onto the drawing area in Visio.
  • In the Database Properties window, add a physical name to identify it.


  • For each entity, create a list of attributes you think would be useful to describe the entity.
  • Select an entity in the drawing area of Visio.
  • In the Database Properties window, select the Columns category.
  • Use the table to add your attributes to the selected entities.
  • Select one of the attributes to be the primary key (PK).
  • MIS582 iLab 2 Data Modeling Using Visio,
  • MIS582 iLab 3 Database Construction Using MySQL,
  • MIS582 Week 4 Course Project ABC Company Order Inventory System Database,
  • MIS582 Week 6 Course Project ABC Company Order Inventory System Database


  • Set the diagram to use crow’s feet notation.
  • On the Database tab, in the Manage group, click Display Options.
  • In the Database Document Option dialog, select the Relationship tab.
  • Select the Crow’s Feet check box, and then click OK.


  • Draw relationships between your entities.
  • Drag the relationship icon onto a blank part of the drawing area.
  • Connect the two ends to each of the two entities in the relationship. The parent entity must have a PK defined. The entity will be outlined in bold red lines when it connects to one end of the relationship.


  • Set the cardinality of your relationships.
  • Select a relationship line in the drawing area that is connecting two entities.
  • In the Database Properties window, select the miscellaneous category.
  • Select the cardinality for the selected relationship.


  • When you are done, save the file on your local hard drive and upload it to the Course Project Drop box. Your file should have the following filename format: Lab2_FirstInitialLastName.vsd.
  • Submit your assignment to the Drop box located on the silver tab at the top of this page.
  • MIS582 iLab 2 Data Modeling Using Visio,
  • MIS582 iLab 3 Database Construction Using MySQL,
  • MIS582 Week 4 Course Project ABC Company Order Inventory System Database,
  • MIS582 Week 6 Course Project ABC Company Order Inventory System Database