
Final Project Submission Statistical Analysis Report.docx-Snhu


Final Project Submission Statistical Analysis Report.docx-Snhu

I am currently pursuing my BA in Psychology with a concentration in Addictions, so I selected scenario 4 for my final project. Scenario 4 is designed for addictions, which falls in line with my concentration. The involved parties presented in data set 4 was a study group of 36individuals recovering from alcohol addiction. The participants were separated into two groups. Group one was a treatment group that received the medication called Antique. Group two received a placebo making them a control group. After the study was completed, the participants completed the Obsessive-Compulsive Drinking Scale (OCDS).OCDS is a survey that measures thoughts about alcohol. Researchers hypothesized that the OCDS would show the effectiveness of Antiquil in treating the withdrawal and craving symptoms of alcohol in recovering addicts during the non-drinking periods.


Final Project Submission Statistical Analysis Report.docx-Snhu

I am currently pursuing my BA in Psychology with a concentration in Addictions, so I selected scenario 4 for my final project. Scenario 4 is designed for addictions, which falls in line with my concentration. The involved parties presented in data set 4 was a study group of 36individuals recovering from alcohol addiction. The participants were separated into two groups. Group one was a treatment group that received the medication called Antique. Group two received a placebo making them a control group. After the study was completed, the participants completed the Obsessive-Compulsive Drinking Scale (OCDS).OCDS is a survey that measures thoughts about alcohol. Researchers hypothesized that the OCDS would show the effectiveness of Antiquil in treating the withdrawal and craving symptoms of alcohol in recovering addicts during the non-drinking periods.

Final Project Submission Statistical Analysis Report.docx-Snhu

One question that can be answered by the data set is, “will the medication Antiquil decrease the withdrawal and craving symptoms of alcohol with little to no side effects?” Another question that can be answered is, “will attrition affect the study?”Scenario AgreesThe study agrees with the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct because it adhered to the research standard section 8. Research and Publications: 8.02 InformedConsent to Research. Before the study, the participants were informed about the purpose of the study and the medication. Participants were also informed of their right to decline to participate or withdraw from the study. Another research standard is in section 4.

Final Project Submission Statistical Analysis Report.docx-Snhu

Privacy and Confidentiality:4.01 Maintaining Confidentiality since the researchers maintained the confidentiality of the participants. Ethical issues that might arise when analyzing and reporting statistical results are a breach of confidentiality and proper storage of the data. Research standard, section 4 Privacy, and confidentiality: 4.04 Minimizing Intrusions on Privacy, the researchers must be aware that they only include information relevant to what they are communicating. Also, research standard section 6 Recordkeeping and Fees: 6.01 Documentation of Professional and Scientific Work and maintenance of Records and 6.02 Maintenance, Dissemination, and Disposal of confidential records of Professional and Scientific Work.

Final Project Submission Statistical Analysis Report.docx-Snhu



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