FIN 3005 FIN3005 Julie Week2_IndividualWork – Everest College


FIN 3005 FIN3005 Julie Week2_IndividualWork – Everest College

Week 2 Individual Work FIN3005-12 Professor John Halstead Julie Abernathy

How does the Fed’s monetary policy affect economic conditions?

The Fed’s monetary policy affects prices, economic growth and employment. The Fed’s monetary policy has an impact with attention to the time value of money and credit in the economic system.

When the Federal Reserve has decreased amounts, it will have decreased amounts of money to lend, which will raise the interest rates, resulting in a slowdown of the economy and vice versa.

The interest rates affect the cost of borrowing by households and businesses, which affects their amount of expenditures. The aggregate demand for products and services affects unemployment by the number of people employed.

Describe the economic trade-off faced by the Fed in achieving its economic goals.


FIN 3005 FIN3005 Julie Week2_IndividualWork – Everest College

Week 2 Individual Work FIN3005-12 Professor John Halstead Julie Abernathy

How does the Fed’s monetary policy affect economic conditions?

The Fed’s monetary policy affects prices, economic growth and employment. The Fed’s monetary policy has an impact with attention to the time value of money and credit in the economic system.

When the Federal Reserve has decreased amounts, it will have decreased amounts of money to lend, which will raise the interest rates, resulting in a slowdown of the economy and vice versa.

The interest rates affect the cost of borrowing by households and businesses, which affects their amount of expenditures. The aggregate demand for products and services affects unemployment by the number of people employed.

Describe the economic trade-off faced by the Fed in achieving its economic goals.

A stimulative monetary policy can increase economic growth and decrease unemployment, but it may result in increasing inflation.

A restrictive monetary policy can keep inflationary pressure decreased, but may cause decreased economic growth and increase unemployment.

When does the Fed use a loose-money policy, and when does it use a tight-money policy?What is a criticism of a loose-money policy? What is the risk of using a monetary policy that is too tight?

The Fed uses the loose-money policy to invigorate or rejuvenate the economy. This isusually seen in quantitative easing when the money supply is increased to decrease unemployment, but it also leads to an increase in inflation.

If the Fed’s think that the economy and inflation is growing too fast, they use the tight-money policy in order to constrict the economy and curb inflation.

Describe an active monetary policy.

When there are changes in the economy, such as spending, money demand and aggregate supply shocks, the Fed uses their discretionary power to set the monetary policy, this is also known as active monetary policy.

The Fed can change interest rates or banking currency demands. In other words, the Fed’s affects the money supply in response to economic conditions, like cutting interest rates to boost the flow of capital.

Describe a passive monetary policy.

A passive monetary policy makes no attempt to correct or intervene when there are changes in the economy. It allows the economy “to correct itself” (page 104), instead of having the Fed’s set the monetary policy.

Interest rates may go up or down, but not as a result of monetary policy. It basically means it is just left alone, to correct itself.

FIN 3005 FIN3005 Julie Week2_IndividualWork – Everest College

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