In-depth study of the advanced features of Java, with an emphasis on the “why” as well as the “how to” of programming in the Java language. This course also prepares students for the Sun Certified Java Programmer exam. (Formerly ISYS and CSIS 312)
- CSIS 312 Assignment 1 Time2 Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 2 Employee Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 3 Payroll System,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 4 Random Sentences,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 5 LinkedList Object,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Factorial Calculator,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Print Array,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 7 Pair Class
In-depth study of the advanced features of Java, with an emphasis on the “why” as well as the “how to” of programming in the Java language. This course also prepares students for the Sun Certified Java Programmer exam. (Formerly ISYS and CSIS 312).
- CSIS 312 Assignment 1 Time2 Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 2 Employee Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 3 Payroll System,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 4 Random Sentences,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 5 LinkedList Object,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Factorial Calculator,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Print Array,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 7 Pair Class
Currently, Java is one of the leading development languages used in today’s business and web applications; therefore, students who wish to make their CSIS-related careers more lucrative will want to obtain a practical familiarity with it. CSIS 312 builds on the lessons of CSIS 212 with an emphasis on programming with objects and advanced Java features. While certification is not the main goal, certification makes an individual more attractive and beneficial to potential employers, and to this end, students will want to seriously consider taking the Oracle’s Java Programmer I exam. The purpose of CSIS 312 is first to ground students more firmly in object- oriented development, and secondly to help them to prepare to pass the Java Programmer I exam. (Student’s Choice). Students should note that preparing for and passing the Java Programmer I exam requires considerable study and preparation beyond the requirements of this course. After completion of this course, it is recommended that students wishing to certify take advantage of one or more of the third party test prep programs prior to taking the Java Programmer I exam.
- CSIS 312 Assignment 1 Time2 Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 2 Employee Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 3 Payroll System,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 4 Random Sentences,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 5 LinkedList Object,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Factorial Calculator,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Print Array,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 7 Pair Class
CSIS 312 Entire Course
CSIS 312 entire course includes:
- CSIS 312 Assignment 1 Time2 Class
- CSIS 312 Assignment 2 Employee Class
- CSIS 312 Assignment 3 Payroll System
- CSIS 312 Assignment 4 Random Sentences
- CSIS 312 Assignment 5 LinkedList Object
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Factorial Calculator
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Print Array
- CSIS 312 Assignment 7 Pair Class
- CSIS 312 Assignment 8 SecureRandom
- CSIS 312 Assignment 8 Stack Data Structure
Each tutorial includes:
- Java code
- Classes
- Submittal document
- Screenshots
- CSIS 312 Assignment 1 Time2 Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 2 Employee Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 3 Payroll System,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 4 Random Sentences,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 5 LinkedList Object,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Factorial Calculator,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Print Array,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 7 Pair Class
CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Print Array
Write a recursive //Pseudo-code for main//Instantiate an integer array of size 100. fill the array function called printArray() that displays all the elements in an array of integers, separated by spaces. The array must be 100 elements in size and filled using a for loop and a random number generator. The pseudo-code for this is as follows:
For (int i=0; i<array.length; i++)
Array[i] = random number between 1 and 100 inclusive
printArray(integer array); //You are not restricted to a single parameter – use as many as you need
//Pseudo-code for printArray()
//Base Case
If the array is empty return
//Recursive Case
Else print the next value in the array and then call printArray() to print the next value
For the assignment make sure that your screen shots show your program running and that your runtime display shows that your program does all that is required of it. You only get credit for what you demonstrate.
- CSIS 312 Assignment 1 Time2 Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 2 Employee Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 3 Payroll System,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 4 Random Sentences,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 5 LinkedList Object,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Factorial Calculator,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Print Array,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 7 Pair Class
CSIS 312 Assignment 8 SecureRandom
Write a program that inserts 25 random numbers from 0 to 99 (using SecureRandom) inclusive into a linked-list object in sorted order and then calls the linked-list object’s print() method.
The following files are provided for you and must be used for this exercise:
· SortedList.java
o Modify the insertSorted() method to create a sorted list. Feel free to use any ListNode or SortedList method. If you add any new methods they must be called either directly or indirectly from insertSorted().
o Do not modify or change any other aspect of SortedList.java.
o ListTest.java should not be changed except to enter your name in the place designated for it.
· EmptyListException.java which is used by SortedList and ListTest and should not be changed or modified at all.
Note: If you do not use your modified insertSorted() method to sort your list as you build it, you will not get any credit for your work. Also, if you use Collections.sort() or Arrays.sort() or any pre-written sorting function to sort your list you will not get any credit for the assignment.
Make sure that your screen shot(s) show your program running and that your runtime display shows that your program does all that is required of it. You only get credit for what you demonstrate.
- CSIS 312 Assignment 1 Time2 Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 2 Employee Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 3 Payroll System,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 4 Random Sentences,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 5 LinkedList Object,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Factorial Calculator,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Print Array,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 7 Pair Class
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 | // Fig. 21.4: EmptyListException.java // Class EmptyListException declaration. public class EmptyListException extends RuntimeException { // constructor public EmptyListException() { this(&quot;List&quot;); // call other EmptyListException constructor } // constructor public EmptyListException(String name) { super(name + &quot; is empty &quot;); // call superclass constructor } } // end class EmptyListException // Based on Fig. 21.5: ListTest.java // ListTest class to demonstrate SortedList capabilities. import java.security.SecureRandom; public class ListTest { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(&quot;&amp;lt;Your name goes here -- Lab #8n&quot;); SortedList&amp;lt;Integer&amp;gt; list = new SortedList&amp;lt;&amp;gt;(); SecureRandom rNum = new SecureRandom(); // insert 25 random (between 0 and 99 inclusive) integers into the list for (int i = 0; i &amp;lt; 25; i++) //Your job is to modify insertSorted so that it creates a //sorted list one element at a time. list.insertSorted(rNum.nextInt(100)); list. print (); } // end class ListTest // Based on Fig. 21.3: List.java // ListNode and SortedList class declarations. // class to represent one node in a list class ListNode&amp;lt;T extends Comparable&amp;lt;T&amp;gt;&amp;gt; { // package access members; SortedList can access these directly T data; // data for this node ListNode&amp;lt;T&amp;gt; nextNode; // reference to the next node in the list // constructor creates a ListNode that refers to object ListNode(T object) { this(object, null); } // constructor creates ListNode that refers to the specified // object and to the next ListNode ListNode(T object, ListNode&amp;lt;T&amp;gt; node) { data = object; nextNode = node; } // return reference to data in node T getData() { return data; } // return reference to next node in list ListNode&amp;lt;T&amp;gt; getNext() { return nextNode; } } // end class ListNode&amp;lt;T&amp;gt; // class SortedList definition public class SortedList&amp;lt;T extends Comparable&amp;lt;T&amp;gt;&amp;gt; { private ListNode&amp;lt;T&amp;gt; firstNode; private ListNode&amp;lt;T&amp;gt; lastNode; private String name; // string like &quot;list&quot; used in printing // constructor creates empty SortedList with &quot;list&quot; as the name public SortedList() { this(&quot;list&quot;); } // constructor creates an empty SortedList with a name public SortedList(String listName) { name = listName; firstNode = lastNode = null; } // insert &quot;insertItem&quot; into the proper position within the sorted list public void insertSorted(T insertItem) { // Complete insertSorted() so that insertItem is added to the list // in sorted order. Use the compareTo() method (part of the interface // Comparable) to do lesser/greater than comparisons of type T objects. // See Section 20.4 and Fig 21.15 for more information on compareTo and // Examples of its use. // Use insertAtFront(), insertAtBack(), and insert() as necessary to // place insertItem in its proper place in the list. // Do not change any of the class signatures nor any of the methods in // this file. // You may delete these comments, but be sure you follow the guidance // provided. // If you use Collections.sort() or Arrays.sort() or any similar pre-written // sorting function, you will not get any credit for your work. } private void insert(T insertItem, ListNode&amp;lt;T&amp;gt; previousNode) { previousNode.nextNode = new ListNode(insertItem, previousNode.nextNode); } // insert item at front of SortedList private void insertAtFront(T insertItem) { if (isEmpty()) // firstNode and lastNode refer to same object firstNode = lastNode = new ListNode&amp;lt;T&amp;gt;(insertItem); else // firstNode refers to new node firstNode = new ListNode&amp;lt;T&amp;gt;(insertItem, firstNode); } // insert item at end of SortedList private void insertAtBack(T insertItem) { if (isEmpty()) // firstNode and lastNode refer to same object firstNode = lastNode = new ListNode&amp;lt;T&amp;gt;(insertItem); else // lastNode's nextNode refers to new node lastNode = lastNode.nextNode = new ListNode&amp;lt;T&amp;gt;(insertItem); } // remove first node from SortedList public T removeFromFront() throws EmptyListException { if (isEmpty()) // throw exception if SortedList is empty throw new EmptyListException(name); T removedItem = firstNode.data; // retrieve data being removed // update references firstNode and lastNode if (firstNode == lastNode) firstNode = lastNode = null; else firstNode = firstNode.nextNode; return removedItem; // return removed node data } // end method removeFromFront // remove last node from SortedList public T removeFromBack() throws EmptyListException { if (isEmpty()) // throw exception if SortedList is empty throw new EmptyListException(name); T removedItem = lastNode.data; // retrieve data being removed // update references firstNode and lastNode if (firstNode == lastNode) firstNode = lastNode = null; else // locate new last node { ListNode&amp;lt;T&amp;gt; current = firstNode; // loop while current node does not refer to lastNode while (current.nextNode != lastNode) current = current.nextNode; lastNode = current; // current is new lastNode current.nextNode = null; } return removedItem; // return removed node data } // determine whether list is empty public boolean isEmpty() { return firstNode == null; // return true if list is empty } // output list contents public void print () { if (isEmpty()) { System.out.printf(&quot; Empty %s%n&quot;, name); return ; } System.out.printf(&quot;The %s is: &quot;, name); ListNode&amp;lt;T&amp;gt; current = firstNode; // while not at end of list, output current node's data while (current != null) { System.out.printf(&quot;%s &quot;, current.data); current = current.nextNode; } System.out.println(); } } &lt;!-- /wp:shortcode --&gt; &lt;!-- wp:paragraph --&gt; &lt;p&gt; |
- CSIS 312 Assignment 1 Time2 Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 2 Employee Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 3 Payroll System,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 4 Random Sentences,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 5 LinkedList Object,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Factorial Calculator,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Print Array,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 7 Pair Class
CSIS 312 Assignment 7 Pair Class
Write a generic class Pair which has two type parameters—F and S—each representing the type of the first and second element of the pair, respectively. Add set and get methods for the first and second elements of the pair. (Hint: The class header should be public class Pair<f, s=””>.)</f,>
Write a separate PairTest class to test class Pair. Create 2 Pair types and test your get and set methods on the following pair types:
- Pair<integer, string=””> p1 takes Integer and String types as a pair</integer,>
- Pair<string, integer=””> p2 takes String and Integer</string,>
PairTest should output enough information to the terminal to show that your generic class Pair is able to set() and get() different types.
Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 7.
- CSIS 312 Assignment 1 Time2 Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 2 Employee Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 3 Payroll System,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 4 Random Sentences,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 5 LinkedList Object,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Factorial Calculator,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Print Array,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 7 Pair Class
CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Print Array
Write a recursive //Pseudo-code for main//Instantiate an integer array of size 100. fill the array function called printArray() that displays all the elements in an array of integers, separated by spaces. The array must be 100 elements in size and filled using a for loop and a random number generator. The pseudo-code for this is as follows:
For (int i=0; i<array.length; i++)
Array[i] = random number between 1 and 100 inclusive
printArray(integer array); //You are not restricted to a single parameter – use as many as you need
//Pseudo-code for printArray()
//Base Case
If the array is empty return
//Recursive Case
Else print the next value in the array and then call printArray() to print the next value
For the assignment make sure that your screen shots show your program running and that your runtime display shows that your program does all that is required of it. You only get credit for what you demonstrate.
- CSIS 312 Assignment 1 Time2 Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 2 Employee Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 3 Payroll System,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 4 Random Sentences,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 5 LinkedList Object,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Factorial Calculator,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Print Array,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 7 Pair Class
CSIS 312 Assignment 5 LinkedList Object
Assignment 5-1
Write a program that inserts 25 random integers from 0 to 100 in order into a LinkedList object.
The program must:
- sort the elements,
- then calculate the sum of the elements, and
- calculate the floating-point average of the elements.
Assignment 5-2
Write a program that creates a LinkedList object of 10 characters, then creates a second LinkedList object containing a copy of the first list, but in reverse order. Print out both LinkedList’s starting with the first list in list order.
- CSIS 312 Assignment 1 Time2 Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 2 Employee Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 3 Payroll System,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 4 Random Sentences,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 5 LinkedList Object,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Factorial Calculator,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Print Array,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 7 Pair Class
CSIS 312 Assignment 4 Random Sentences
Write an application that uses random-number generation to create sentences. Use four arrays of strings, called article, noun, verb, and preposition.
Create a sentence by selecting a word at random from each array in the following order:
- article,
- noun,
- verb,
- preposition,
- article, and
- noun.
As each word is picked, concatenate it to the previous words in the sentence. The words must be separated by spaces. When the final sentence is output, it should start with a capital letter and end with a period. The application must generate and display 20 sentences.
- The article array must contain the articles “the,” “a,” “one,” “some,” and “any.”
- The noun array must contain the nouns “boy,” “girl,” “dog,” “town,” and “car.”
- The verb array must contain the verbs “drove,” “jumped,” “ran,” “walked,” and “skipped.”
- The preposition array must contain the prepositions “to,” “from,” “over,” “under” and “on.”
Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 4.
- CSIS 312 Assignment 1 Time2 Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 2 Employee Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 3 Payroll System,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 4 Random Sentences,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 5 LinkedList Object,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Factorial Calculator,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Print Array,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 7 Pair Class
CSIS 312 Assignment 3 Payroll System
Modify the payroll system of Figs. 10.4–10.9 to include an additional Employee subclass PieceWorker that represents an employee whose pay is based on the number of pieces of merchandise produced.
Class PieceWorker should contain private instance variables wage (to store the employee’s wage per piece) and pieces (to store the number of pieces produced).
Provide a concrete implementation of method earnings in class PieceWorker that calculates the employee’s earnings by multiplying the number of pieces produced by the wage per piece.
Create an array of Employee variables to store references to objects of each concrete class in the new Employee hierarchy (SalariedEmployee, CommissionEmployee, HourlyEmployee, BasePlusCommissionEmployee, and now PieceWorker).
For each Employee, display its String representation and earnings.
Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 3.
- CSIS 312 Assignment 1 Time2 Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 2 Employee Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 3 Payroll System,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 4 Random Sentences,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 5 LinkedList Object,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Factorial Calculator,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Print Array,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 7 Pair Class
CSIS 312 Assignment 2 Employee Class
In chapter 9 of your Deitel & Deitel text, you studied an inheritance hierarchy in which class BasePlusCommissionEmployee inherited from class CommissionEmployee. However, not all types of employees are CommissionEmployees.
In this exercise, you’ll create a more general Employee superclass that factors out the attributes and behaviors in class CommissionEmployee that are common to all Employees. The common attributes and behaviors for all Employees are firstName, lastName, socialSecurityNumber, getFirstName, getLastName, getSocialSecurityNumber and a portion of method toString.
Create a new superclass Employee that contains these instance variables and methods and a constructor.
Next, rewrite class CommissionEmployee from Section 9.4.5 as a subclass of Employee. Class CommissionEmployee should contain only the instance variables and methods that are not declared in superclass Employee. Class CommissionEmployee’s constructor should invoke class Employee’s constructor and CommissionEmployee’s toString method should invoke Employee’s toString method.
Once you’ve completed these modifications, run the BasePlusCommissionEmployeeTest app using these new classes to ensure that the app still displays the same results for a BasePlusCommissionEmployee object.
Make sure that your screen shots show your program running and that your runtime display shows that your program does all that is required of it. You only get credit for what you demonstrate.
Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 2.
- CSIS 312 Assignment 1 Time2 Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 2 Employee Class,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 3 Payroll System,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 4 Random Sentences,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 5 LinkedList Object,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Factorial Calculator,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 6 Print Array,
- CSIS 312 Assignment 7 Pair Class
CSIS 312 Assignment 1 Time2 Class
Assignment 1-1
Using the Time2 class of Fig 8.5 of your Deitel & Deitel text, it would be perfectly possible to represent the time internally as the number of seconds since midnight rather than with the three integer values hour, minute, and second. Clients could use the same public methods and get the same results. Modify the Time2 class so that time is represented internally as seconds and then use Time2Test.java to test your modified Time2 class.
Assignment 1-2
Using your modified Time2 class from Assignment 1-1, add a tick method that increments time stored in the Time2 object by one second. Also provide an incrementMinute method to increment the minute by one and an incrementHour method to increment the hour by one. Be sure that you test for cases where incrementing the second, minute, or hour moves your time into the next day (i.e., 11:59:59 PM to 12:00:00 AM).
Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 1.