CMIS 111 CMIS111 CMIS/111 Case Study 1 – Securing your home computer


CMIS 111 CMIS111 CMIS/111 Case Study 1 – Securing your home computer

Final Project University of Maryland University College. CMIS 111 6381: Social Networking and Cybersecurity Best Practices 7/15/18

Case Study 1:
Securing your home computer When purchasing a new PC there are certain steps that need to be taken into consideration into not only protecting your investment, but also into protecting your privacy and your online presence.
Following the steps that are outlined in this paper will not only protect you,but will also make it extremely difficult for a malicious user to penetrate your network and use your equipment with malicious intent.


CMIS 111 CMIS111 CMIS/111 Case Study 1 – Securing your home computer

Final Project University of Maryland University College. CMIS 111 6381: Social Networking and Cybersecurity Best Practices 7/15/18

Case Study 1:
Securing your home computer When purchasing a new PC there are certain steps that need to be taken into consideration into not only protecting your investment, but also into protecting your privacy and your online presence.
Following the steps that are outlined in this paper will not only protect you,but will also make it extremely difficult for a malicious user to penetrate your network and use your equipment with malicious intent.
Secure network:
Before you being using the internet it is important to make sure that your connection is secure. Changing the default Username and Password that comes with your modem and router is the first step anyone should take when securing their network.
Typically these items come with a default username of “admin” and default password of “password” this is a very typical practice and would make it very easy for anyone to be able to access your network settings and make changes so they can easily gain access into your system.
When changing these it is important to choose a username that only you would know and implement a complex password.
Complex passwords need to contain at least 1 letter with a combination of upper and lower case, at least 1 number, and at least one special characters; it is also important to ensure that your password is at least 10 characters in length or more.
This password criteria should be used anytime you are required to create a Username and/or Password. If using wifi it is also important to use an Enterprise WPA2 802.1x authentication. Using this setting makes sure that everyone that accesses the network is authenticated individually.
Since user’s can be setup with individual username and password, if a device is ever lost or stolen you can go into your router settings and change or lock out that specific user’s login
If your router is not capable of using Enterprise WPA2 then it is still important touse at least a normal WPA2 security protocol to ensure the protection and privacy of your home network.
Same rules apply, choose a secure network name and a secure password; the only difference here is that only one user name and password will be used for all user’s so it’s very important for you to be picky about who you give this information out too [Ioa18].
Following these recommendations can help put a major upgrade on your homes network security defenses and go a long way into protecting your information and your electronic investments. Not following these recommendations can leave your network vulnerable and allowmalicious user to abuse your information and equipment.

CMIS 111 CMIS111 CMIS/111 Case Study 1 – Securing your home computer

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Yes I need help in completing a final project, all information that is needed is in the attachment. Due Date is 26 January 2017. Any questions please feel free 1 2 3 4 5 Directions are attached for CMIS 111 course. Its scenarios on setting up a new computer.

CMIS 111 CMIS111 CMIS/111 Case Study 1 – Securing your home computer

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