



BUS 309 Chapter 8 Quiz

BUS 309 Chapter 9 Quiz

BUS 309 Quiz 1

BUS 309 quiz 1 (1)

BUS 309 Quiz 1 Ch 1

BUS 309 Quiz 10

Bus 309 Quiz 10 (1)

BUS 309 Quiz 2

BUS 309 Quiz 2

BUS 309 Quiz 2 Chapter 2

BUS 309 Quiz 3

BUS 309 Quiz 3

Bus 309 quiz 3 (1)

BUS 309 Quiz 3 (2)

BUS 309 Quiz 3 (3)

BUS 309 Quiz 4

BUS 309 Quiz 4

BUS 309 Quiz 4 Ch.4 and Ch.5

BUS 309 Quiz 5

BUS 309 Quiz 5 (1)

BUS 309 Quiz 5 Chapter 6

BUS 309 Quiz 6

BUS 309 Quiz 7

BUS 309 Quiz 7 (1)

BUS 309 Quiz 8

BUS 309 Quiz 8 (1)

BUS 309 Quiz 9

bus 309 quiz 9 (4)

BUS 309 Week 1 Quiz

BUS 309 Week 10 Part 1 Quiz 9

BUS 309 Week 11 Final Exam Part 2

BUS 309 Week 2 Quiz (2)

BUS 309 Week 3 Quiz

BUS 309 Week 3 Quiz (8)

BUS 309 Week 4 Assignment 1 Not All Companies Are Viewed as Equal

BUS 309 Week 5 Quiz

BUS 309 week 5 quiz 4

bus 309 Week 7 Quiz

BUS 309 Week 8 Assignment 2 Case Study 9.5 Swedish Daddies

BUS 309 Week 8 Assignment 2 Workplace Ethics

BUS 309 Week 8 Quiz 7

BUS 309 Week 9 Quiz 9 (2)



BUS 309 Chapter 8 Quiz

BUS 309 Chapter 9 Quiz

BUS 309 Quiz 1

BUS 309 quiz 1 (1)

BUS 309 Quiz 1 Ch 1

BUS 309 Quiz 10

Bus 309 Quiz 10 (1)

BUS 309 Quiz 2

BUS 309 Quiz 2

BUS 309 Quiz 2 Chapter 2

BUS 309 Quiz 3

BUS 309 Quiz 3

Bus 309 quiz 3 (1)

BUS 309 Quiz 3 (2)

BUS 309 Quiz 3 (3)

BUS 309 Quiz 4

BUS 309 Quiz 4

BUS 309 Quiz 4 Ch.4 and Ch.5

BUS 309 Quiz 5

BUS 309 Quiz 5 (1)

BUS 309 Quiz 5 Chapter 6

BUS 309 Quiz 6

BUS 309 Quiz 7

BUS 309 Quiz 7 (1)

BUS 309 Quiz 8

BUS 309 Quiz 8 (1)

BUS 309 Quiz 9

bus 309 quiz 9 (4)

BUS 309 Week 1 Quiz

BUS 309 Week 10 Part 1 Quiz 9

BUS 309 Week 11 Final Exam Part 2

BUS 309 Week 2 Quiz (2)

BUS 309 Week 3 Quiz

BUS 309 Week 3 Quiz (8)

BUS 309 Week 4 Assignment 1 Not All Companies Are Viewed as Equal

BUS 309 Week 5 Quiz

BUS 309 week 5 quiz 4

bus 309 Week 7 Quiz

BUS 309 Week 8 Assignment 2 Case Study 9.5 Swedish Daddies

BUS 309 Week 8 Assignment 2 Workplace Ethics

BUS 309 Week 8 Quiz 7

BUS 309 Week 9 Quiz 9 (2)


BUS 309 Chapter 8 Quiz

1.       Which of these is a valid reason for not hiring a potential employee?

2.       Of the four types of discharge, firing

3.       Tests are designed to measure the applicants’ skills in verbal, quantitative, and

4.       Groups of 18th century skilled artisans formed secret societies for two basic reasons. Which of the following is one of those reasons?

5.       In the interview process, the interview should avoid rudeness, coarseness, condescension, and

6.       Austin Fagothey and Milton Gonsalves believe a direct strike is justified

7.       Employers have the right to fire an employee who performs inadequately, but they should do so

8.       According to common law, to legally dismiss an employee, an employer

9.       According to David Ewing,

10.   Unions employ two kinds of boycotts to enforce their demands. These two kinds of boycotts are

11.   To be successful any test used by a corporation must be

12.   The hiring process needs to include screening, testing, and

13.   Fair personnel policies and decisions must be based on criteria that are clear, job related, and

14.   The key moral ideal in promotions is

15.   According to David Ewing, two factors explain the absence of civil liberties and the prevalence of authoritarianism in the workplace. Which of the following is one of them?


BUS 309 Chapter 9 Quiz

1.       Businesses cite several reasons for using polygraphs to detect lying. Which of the following is one of those reasons?

2.       The proper approach to promote safety is to change the “hidden culture” to

3.       One of the three chief sources for dissatisfaction in the workplace is

4.       The Hawthorne effect shows that

5.       A fact about job satisfaction is

6.       Which statement has the proper perspective about drug testing?

7.       Many major employers routinely monitor the performance of their employees through the computers and telephones they use. Employers are allowed to

8.       When it comes to obtaining information about employees, a key concept is

9.       Used properly, personality tests serve two purposes in the work place. Which of the following is one of those purposes?

10.   When employees at all occupational levels are asked to rank what is important to them, the order they put them in is:

11.   A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that postal workers who tested positive for drug use in a pre-employment urine test were at least 50 percent more likely to be

12.   Douglas McGregor rejects Theory X, which holds that

13.   One key questionable premise underlying personality tests is

14.   Privacy

15.   The right to privacy of employees


BUS 309 Quiz 1

1.       The following is a logical fact.

2.       Ethical relativism supports the theory that

3.       The divine command theory implies that

4.       Good moral judgments should be logical and

5.       Morality and self-interest

6.       Our relationship with the law is best described by which of the following?

7.       The authors use the murder of Kitty Genovese to illustrate

8.       When ethical relativism is put into practice, it implies that

9.       Which of the following is an accurate statement?

10.   Philosophical discussion of moral issues typically involves

11.   The famous experiments by social psychologist Solomon Asch show

12.   Choose the statement that gives the most accurate description of etiquette:

13.   What criteria concerning moral judgments should we agree with?

14.   The code or principles of conduct that a person accepts

15.   Which of the following is not one of the four basic kinds of law?


BUS 309 quiz 1 (1)

1.        Sound arguments:

2.       In a scenario in which an employee believes his actions at work won’t make a difference, we see the effects of:

3.       Which of the following is a reason someone might want to reject ethical relativism?

4.       Which of the following make the effects of diffusion of responsibility more likely to occur?

5.       Our relationship with the law and morality is best described by which of the following?

6.       Consider the following argument:

7.       Which of the following best defines the concept of moral progress?

8.       An argument that presents a defensible moral judgment must:

9.       If a manager within a company refuses to consider legitimate arguments against some company policy or practice, this is evidence that ___________ is affecting the business’s operations.

10.   Arguments that have conclusions that express moral judgments are:

11.   Which of the following best defines ethics?

12.   Which of the following is true of sound arguments?

13.   All the following are true of all arguments EXCEPT:

14.   Which of the following is not true of counterexamples?

15.   Which of the following best defines conscience?


BUS 309 Quiz 1 Ch 1

Philosophical discussion of moral issues typically involves

2.            Choose the statement that gives the most accurate description of etiquette:

3.            When religion and morality are considered,

4.         When ethical relativism is put into practice, it implies that

5.           The following is a logical fact.

6.           Which of the following is an accurate statement?

7.           The code or principles of conduct that a person accepts

8.           The divine command theory implies that

9.           Our relationship with the law is best described by which of the following?

10.         What criteria concerning moral judgments should we agree with?

11.         How did Aristotle view morality?

12.         The famous experiments by social psychologist Solomon Asch show

13.         Accepting a moral principle

14.         A proper perspective of religion and morality is

15.         Good moral judgments should be logical and


BUS 309 Quiz 10

1.         In 1987, the Supreme Court affirmed, in the case of Johnson v. Transportation Agency, that

2.         Advocates of “comparable worth”

3.         There are two legal types of sexual harassment:

4.         Male managers frequently assume that women

5.         Today most large corporations not only accept the necessity of affirmative action but also find that _______________ benefits when they make themselves more diverse?

6.         Of these four arguments, which of the following is the most plausible argument FOR affirmative action?

7.         Opponents of comparable worth insist which one of these ideas support their position?

8.         Of these four arguments, which of the following is the most plausible argument AGAINST affirmative action?

9.         What do affirmative action programs involve?

10.       What should a female employee do if she encounters sexual harassment?

11.       According to Shaw and Barry, companies clearly have what kind of obligation to provide a work environment in which employees are free from sexual harassment?

12.       Many Americans oppose what issue because they fear it will lead to illegal quotas, preferential treatment of African Americans and women, and even reverse discrimination against white men?

13.       One message that sexual harassment conveys is that managers view women as

14.       The 1984 Supreme Court decision in Memphis Firefighters v. Stotts

15.          To answer the question of who determines what is objectionable or offensive in sexual harassment, the courts use what kind of hypothetical person?


Bus 309 Quiz 10 (1)

1.       Affirmative action, comparable worth, and sexual harassment are connected to

2.       Many Americans oppose what issue because they fear it will lead to illegal quotas, preferential treatment of African Americans and women, and even reverse discrimination against white men?

3.       Advocates of “comparable worth”

4.       Opponents of comparable worth insist which one of these ideas support their position?

5.       Sexual comments that one woman appreciates might distress another women. Who decides when such behavior is inappropriate?

6.       What should a female employee do if she encounters sexual harassment?

7.       When investigators sent equally qualified young white and black men—all of them articulate and conventionally dressed—to apply for entry-level jobs in Chicago and Washington, D.C., the results clearly showed

8.       What quality is more important in predicting who gets fired than job-performance ratings or even prior disciplinary history?

9.       The 1984 Supreme Court decision in Memphis Firefighters v. Stotts

10.   In 1987, the Supreme Court affirmed, in the case of Johnson v. Transportation Agency, that

11.   Today most large corporations not only accept the necessity of affirmative action but also find that _______________ benefits when they make themselves more diverse?

12.   Of these four arguments, which of the following is the most plausible argument AGAINST affirmative action?

13.   To answer the question of who determines what is objectionable or offensive in sexual harassment, the courts use what kind of hypothetical person?

14.   Which of the following is an example of sexual harassment?

15.   According to Shaw and Barry, companies clearly have what kind of obligation to provide a work environment in which employees are free from sexual harassment?


BUS 309 Quiz 2

1.       Kant believed that moral rules can, in principle, be known from

2.       Kant held that a moral law must have

3.       Which theories of ethics contend that right and wrong are determined by more than the likely consequences of an action?

4.       W.D. Ross believed that all (or most) of our obligations are

5.       Someone who holds that everyone should let self-interest guide their actions is a

6.       The view that the utilitarian standard should be applied to moral codes as a whole is

7.       A. C. Ewing criticized

8.       The “hedonic calculus” was developed by

9.       For Kant, the subjective principle of an action is known as a

10.   Kant’s theory is

11.   The view that it is morally acceptable for individuals to pursue their own self-interests while engaged in business is called

12.   According to V. R. Ruggiero, how many concerns are common to most ethical systems?

13.   By “good” utilitarians mean

14.   The ethical perspective of W.D. Ross is

15.   The unnecessary buying and selling of stocks to generate commissions is known as


BUS 309 Quiz 2

1.       A key idea of Immanuel Kant’s ethical theory is that:

2.       Consequentialism

3.       Imagine a shopkeeper who is honest because being honest is good for business. When the shopkeeper refrains from cheating a customer, Kant would say this action

4.       The statement that best defines rights is

5.       A practical basis for discussing moral issues involves taking account of

6.       Egoism as a psychological theory

7.       According to Kant

8.       For those who are trying to make moral decisions,

9.       According to the utilitarian theory, an action is morally right if and only if

10.   Utilitarianism is appealing as a standard for moral decision making in business. Which of the following provides a reason for this?

11.   Nonconsequentialists like Ross believe that

12.   Which of the following represents a utilitarian belief?

13.   “If you want to go to law school, then you must take the LSAT exam.” This statement is an example of

14.   Utilitarians believe that

15.   If you adopt ethical egoism as your moral code, then


BUS 309 Quiz 2 Chapter 2

1.       Supererogatory actions are

2.       Kant believed that we should always act

3.       For those who are trying to make moral decisions,

4.       Which of the following represents a utilitarian belief?

5.       A key idea of Immanuel Kant’s ethical theory is that:

6.       Utilitarianism is appealing as a standard for moral decision making in business. Which of the following provides a reason for this?

7.       Rule utilitarians

8.       The statement that best defines rights is

9.       According to Kant

10.   According to W. D. Ross’s theory

11.   A practical basis for discussing moral issues involves taking account of

12.   Utilitarians believe that

13.   Consequentialism

14.   Nonconsequentialists like Ross believe that

15.   Egoism as a psychological theory


BUS 309 Quiz 3

Question 1

According to libertarianism,

Question 2

Rawls rejects utilitarianism because

Question 3

The veil of ignorance assures us that people in the original position will be

Question 4

In association with labor and capital, Mill had contrasting views of

Question 5

Aristotle’s formal principle of justice states,

Question 6

What philosopher believes the maximin rule is relevant to justice?

Question 7

The first principle of Nozick’s entitlement theory concerns the original acquisition of

Question 8

According to John Rawls,

Question 9

The Supreme Court gave decision making power for Eminent domain to the

Question 10

In Anarchy, State and Utopia, Robert Nozick advocates

Question 11

According to Locke,

Question 12

Primary social goods include

Question 13

According to Mill’s utilitarianism,

Question 14

Mill justified utilitarianism from rival perspectives when he argued


BUS 309 Quiz 3

1.       In association with labor and capital, Mill had contrasting views of

2.       The Supreme Court gave decision making power for Eminent domain to the

3.       Who is more likely to be sympathetic with the idea of reducing the disparities of income in society?

4.       In Nozick’s example of Wilt Chamberlain, he argues that other theories of economic justice inevitably fail to respect people’s

5.       Talk of justice and injustice appeals to the related notions of

6.       John Rawls’ Theory of Justice lays within which type of tradition?

7.       According to Locke,

8.       According to John Rawls,

9.       According to Mill’s utilitarianism,

10.   What philosopher believes the maximin rule is relevant to justice?

11.   Eminent domain is the ancient right of government to take what from an individual?

12.   In Anarchy, State and Utopia, Robert Nozick advocates

13.   According to libertarianism,

14.   To the libertarians, their concept of liberty includes a commitment to

15.   The first principle of Nozick’s entitlement theory concerns the original acquisition of


Bus 309 quiz 3 (1)

1.       The veil of ignorance assures us that people in the “original position” will be:

2.       The difference principle of Rawls’s theory states:

3.       Which of the following statements about justice is NOT true?

4.       Which of the following statements about libertarianism is NOT true?

5.       John Rawls believed all of the following EXCEPT:

6.       Which of the following statements about Rawlsian egalitarianism is true?

7.       Which of the following questions might a philosopher ask with regard to justice?

8.       A benefit of ______________ might be that those that are least well off will be given social advantages that might provide the opportunity for improvement of their situations.

9.       Which of the following theories would best describe a person who believes that happiness is the only good in and of itself?

10.   Which of the following theories would best describe a person who believes that government-subsidized housing projects are a poor use of Americans’ tax dollars?

11.   Which of the following statements would a libertarian support?

12.   Which of the following statements is NOT a criticism of libertarianism?

13.   Which of the following philosophers argued that a just society grants rights to all people, including the right to liberty and equal opportunities?

14.   Which of the following is NOT a feature of Rawls’ concept of the Original Position?

15.   A libertarian would support which of the following government institutions?


BUS 309 Quiz 3 (2)

1.       From John Stuart Mill’s viewpoint,

2.       Mill justified utilitarianism from rival perspectives when he argued

3.       The veil of ignorance assures us that people in the original position will be

4.        The difference principle of Rawls states

5.        The first principle of Nozick’s entitlement theory concerns the original acquisition of

6.        According to Locke,

7.        In Nozick’s example of Wilt Chamberlain, he argues that other theories of economic justice inevitably fail to respect people’s

8.        According to John Rawls, people in “the original position” choose the principles of justice on the basis of

9.        In association with labor and capital, Mill had contrasting views of

10.    According to libertarianism,

11.    According to Mill’s utilitarianism,

12.    Who is more likely to be sympathetic with the idea of reducing the disparities of income in society?

13.    John Rawls’ Theory of Justice lays within which type of tradition?

14.    In Anarchy, State and Utopia, Robert Nozick advocates

15.    Eminent domain is the ancient right of government to take what from an individual?


BUS 309 Quiz 3 (3)

1.       According to John Rawls, people in “the original position” choose the principles of justice on the basis of

2.       The veil of ignorance proposes that

3.       In association with labor and capital, Mill had contrasting views of

4.       The difference principle of Rawls states

5.       Eminent domain is the ancient right of government to take what from an individual?

6.       Talk of justice and injustice appeals to the related notions of

7.       John Rawls’ Theory of Justice lays within which type of tradition?

8.       In Anarchy, State and Utopia, Robert Nozick advocates

9.       According to Mill’s utilitarianism,

10.   To the libertarians, their concept of liberty includes a commitment to

11.   Rawls rejects utilitarianism because

12.   The first principle of Nozick’s entitlement theory concerns the original acquisition of

13.   Who is more likely to be sympathetic with the idea of reducing the disparities of income in society?

14.   Aristotle’s formal principle of justice states,

15.   The Supreme Court gave decision making power for Eminent domain to the


BUS 309 Quiz 4

1.       Many economists are concerned that the growing trade deficit makes the U.S. vulnerable to

2.       A basic premise of Adam Smith’s invisible hand argument is

3.       Evidence for the idea that American manufacturing is declining is

4.       A basic tenet of capitalism is that

5.       Which statement accurately describes capitalism?

6.       Some critics of capitalism believe that it rests on a flawed view of human beings because

7.       How many Americans believe that “if you work hard enough, you’ll make it?”

8.       Karl Marx believed that

9.       According to one survey of cultural values

10.   Marxism states

11.   For the first time since the Industrial Revolution, less than _____ percent of the American workforce was employed by manufacturing.

12.   An exclusive focus on short-term performance

13.   One reason for believing that in practice capitalism fails to live up to its own ideal of competition is

14.   For employees who are paid handsomely for their efforts, Marx said their work would ultimately prove to be

15.   Which of the following historical stages of capitalism came first?

16.   Milton Snoeyenbos argues that

17.   The best statement concerning corporations is

18.   Which of the following is one of the three arguments in favor of narrow corporate social responsibility discussed in Chapter 5?

19.   Momentum for the corporate organization of business really gained momentum after which war?

20.   The first corporations

21.   Externalities are

22.   A common point of contention about corporations is

23.   The statement that accurately describes corporations is

24.   Which of the following do advocates of the broader view of corporate social responsibility believe?

25.   The idea that corporations are moral agents

26.   In the corporate world, the board of directors will typically

27.   Kenneth Arrow discussed two important situations in which profit maximization can be socially inefficient. One of these occurs when

28.   Adam Smith proposed that in our pursuit of economic interests we are led by

29.   Milton Friedman’s perspective is that the only social responsibility of a business is to

30.   In Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission, the U.S. Supreme Court


BUS 309 Quiz 4

Question 1

How many Americans believe that “if you work hard enough, you’ll make it?”

Question 2

One of the key features of capitalism is

Question 3

Which statement accurately describes capitalism?

Question 4

The concept of the “invisible hand” means

Question 5

An assessment of work in America is

Question 6

A basic premise of Adam Smith’s invisible hand argument is

Question 7

A basic tenet of capitalism is that

Question 8

Some critics of capitalism believe that it rests on a flawed view of human beings because

Question 9

Karl Marx believed that

Question 10

One reason for believing that in practice capitalism fails to live up to its own ideal of competition is

Question 11

According to one survey of cultural values

Question 12

Rather than strong work ethic, a common attitude is:

Question 13

The profit motive

Question 14

Which of the following historical stages of capitalism came first?

Question 15

Evidence for the idea that American manufacturing is declining is

Question 16

Some argue for the narrow view of corporate social responsibility on the ground that managers have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize the profits of their shareholders. As discussed in Chapter 5, one problem with this argument is that

Question 17

Milton Friedman’s perspective is that the only social responsibility of a business is to

Question 18

One of the three important “limits to what the law can do” discussed by Christopher Stone is

Question 19

Which of the following is one of the three arguments in favor of narrow corporate social responsibility discussed in Chapter 5?

Question 20

The debate over corporate moral agency hinges on which issue?

Question 21

The idea that corporations are moral agents

Question 22

Momentum for the corporate organization of business really gained momentum after which war?

Question 23

Melvin Anshen suggests that there is a relationship between business and society which he termed as

Question 24

Most Americans believe a corporation’s top obligation is to its

Question 25

Kenneth Arrow discussed two important situations in which profit maximization can be socially inefficient. One of these occurs when

Question 26

The “rules of the game” for corporate work are intended to

Question 27

In the corporate world, the board of directors will typically

Question 28

In Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission, the U.S. Supreme Court

Question 29

Which of the following contributed to the more relaxed incorporation procedures of modern times?

Question 30

The first corporations


BUS 309 Quiz 4 Ch.4 and Ch.5

1.       How many Americans believe that “if you work hard enough, you’ll make it?”

2.       Which statement accurately describes capitalism?

3.       According to one survey of cultural values

4.       Evidence for the idea that American manufacturing is declining is

5.       Marxism states

6.       Rather than strong work ethic, a common attitude is:

7.       Which of the following historical stages of capitalism came first?

8.       A basic premise of Adam Smith’s invisible hand argument is

9.       Karl Marx believed that

10.   The concept of the “invisible hand” means

11.   The profit motive

12.   For the first time since the Industrial Revolution, less than _____ percent of the American workforce was employed by manufacturing.

13.   The Fugger dynasty was an example of

14.   Though many jobs are outsourced, most economists believe

15.   An assessment of work in America is

16.   Kenneth Arrow discussed two important situations in which profit maximization can be socially inefficient. One of these occurs when

17.   Which of the following contributed to the more relaxed incorporation procedures of modern times?

18.   The best statement concerning corporations is

19.   The debate over corporate moral agency hinges on which issue?

20.   The “rules of the game” for corporate work are intended to

21.   Melvin Anshen suggests that there is a relationship between business and society which he termed as

22.   Corporations differ from partnerships and other forms of business association in two ways. One of these is that

23.   A common point of contention about corporations is

24.   The idea that corporations are moral agents

25.   Milton Friedman’s perspective is that the only social responsibility of a business is to

26.   Those with a broader view concerning business obligations believe that with power comes

27.   Which of the following is one of the three arguments in favor of narrow corporate social responsibility discussed in Chapter 5?

28.   Adam Smith proposed that in our pursuit of economic interests we are led by

29.   The first corporations

30.   Most Americans believe a corporation’s top obligation is to its


BUS 309 Quiz 5

1.       The case of FTC v. Standard Education was important in the legal transition

2.       People generally speak of two kinds of warranties. What are these two kinds of warranties?

3.       The terms “best, finest, and most” are examples of

4.       Caveat emptor means

5.       Which of the following is an example of price gouging?

6.       The goal of advertising is

7.       In 1972 Congress created one of the most important agencies for regulating product safety. This agency is the

8.       Every year ___________ of Americans require medical treatment from product related accidents.

9.       For years Bayer aspirin advertised that it contained “the ingredient doctors recommend most.” This is an example of

10.   Legal paternalism is the doctrine that the law

11.   Statistically, there is strong evidence that exposure to television advertising is strongly associated with

12.   “Puffery” is an example of which of the following deceptive or misleading advertising techniques?

13.   The consumer’s main source of product information is

14.   According to Galbraith’s “dependence effect,”

15.   Critics of advertising generally agree that


BUS 309 Quiz 5 (1)

1.       The case of FTC v. Standard Education was important in the legal transition

2.       People generally speak of two kinds of warranties. What are these two kinds of warranties?

3.       The terms “best, finest, and most” are examples of

4.       Caveat emptor means

5.       Which of the following is an example of price gouging?

6.       The goal of advertising is

7.       In 1972 Congress created one of the most important agencies for regulating product safety. This agency is the

8.       Every year ___________ of Americans require medical treatment from product related accidents.

9.       For years Bayer aspirin advertised that it contained “the ingredient doctors recommend most.” This is an example of

10.   Legal paternalism is the doctrine that the law

11.   Statistically, there is strong evidence that exposure to television advertising is strongly associated with

12.   “Puffery” is an example of which of the following deceptive or misleading advertising techniques?

13.   The consumer’s main source of product information is

14.   According to Galbraith’s “dependence effect,”

15.   Critics of advertising generally agree that


BUS 309 Quiz 5 Chapter 6

1.       The case of FTC v. Standard Education was important in the legal transition

2.       Advertising

3.       Critics of advertising generally agree that

4.       The case of MacPherson v. Buick Motor Car in 1916 changed product liability law. As a result of it, the courts

5.       The consumer’s main source of product information is

6.       Which of the following is an example of price gouging?

7.       According to the legal doctrine of strict product liability,

8.       Statistically, there is strong evidence that exposure to television advertising is strongly associated with

9.       “Puffery” is an example of which of the following deceptive or misleading advertising techniques?

10.   The terms “best, finest, and most” are examples of

11.   In 1972 Congress created one of the most important agencies for regulating product safety. This agency is the

12.   Every year ___________ of Americans require medical treatment from product related accidents.

13.   Before the case of MacPherson v. Buick Motor Car in 1916, the law based a manufacturer’s liability for injuries due to a defective product on

14.   Legal paternalism is the doctrine that the law

15.   Terms like “can be,” “as much as,” and “help,” are examples of


BUS 309 Quiz 6

1.       One truth about factory farms is

2.       Animal manure

3.       According to Holmes Rolston III,

4.       Concerning future generations,

5.       William F. Baxter addresses environmental ethics by noting

6.       Some environmental regulations (like forbidding the burning of coal in cities) benefit each and every one of us because the air we all breather is cleaner. If an individual ignores the regulation and burns coal, while others obey the regulation, then he or she

7.       A moral vegetarian

8.       According to the anthropocentric (or human-oriented) ethic of Baxter and others,

9.       According to the philosopher Joel Feinberg,

10.   The moral theorist William T. Blackstone claims that the right to a livable environment

11.   Cost-benefit analysis

12.   An ecosystem

13.   “Pollution permits” are an example of which of the following methods of achieving our environmental goals?

14.   The “tragedy of the commons” is

15.   Business has considered the environment to be


BUS 309 Quiz 7

1.       In union terms, a direct strike occurs

2.       According to David Ewing,

3.       The Wagner Act of 1935

4.       Tests are designed to measure the applicants’ skills in verbal, quantitative, and

5.       Austin Fagothey and Milton Gonsalves believe a direct strike is justified

6.       The hiring process needs to include screening, testing, and

7.       The key moral ideal in promotions is

8.       Since Congress passed the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1994,

9.       Which of these is a valid reason for not hiring a potential employee?

10.   Griggs v. Duke Power Company, which prohibits

11.   Of the four types of discharge, firing

12.   Fair personnel policies and decisions must be based on criteria that are clear, job related, and

13.   To be successful any test used by a corporation must be

14.   According to common law, to legally dismiss an employee, an employer

15.   In the interview process, the interview should avoid rudeness, coarseness, condescension, and


BUS 309 Quiz 7 (1)

1.       Tests are designed to measure the applicants’ skills in verbal, quantitative, and

2.       Fair personnel policies and decisions must be based on criteria that are clear, job related, and

3.       Which of these is a valid reason for not hiring a potential employee?

4.       According to common law, to legally dismiss an employee, an employer

5.       Groups of 18th century skilled artisans formed secret societies for two basic reasons. Which of the following is one of those reasons?

6.       Griggs v. Duke Power Company, which prohibits

7.       Of the four types of discharge, firing

8.       Austin Fagothey and Milton Gonsalves believe a direct strike is justified

9.       According to David Ewing,

10.   The English philosopher Francis Bacon (1561–1626) called conscious and unconscious biases and stereotypes

11.   According to David Ewing, two factors explain the absence of civil liberties and the prevalence of authoritarianism in the workplace. Which of the following is one of them?

12.   In union terms, a direct strike occurs

13.   In the interview process, the interview should avoid rudeness, coarseness, condescension, and

14.   Choose the factual statement concerning wages:

15.   Employers have the right to fire an employee who performs inadequately, but they should do so


BUS 309 Quiz 8

  1. Corporate in-fighting,” “management power struggles,” “maneuvering and politics and power grabbing,” and “Machiavellian intrigues” are all phrases H. Ross Perot uses to describe
  2. The right to privacy of employees
  3. The most accurate statement about workplace safety is:
  4. The most common reason that people leave their jobs is
  5. Douglas McGregor rejects Theory X, which holds that
  6. An early 1970s government study (“Work in America”) identified three chief sources of worker dissatisfaction. Which of the following is one of those sources?
  7. Forty-three thousand workers each year are
  8. Polygraph tests
  9. Privacy
  10. Many major employers routinely monitor the performance of their employees through the computers and telephones they use. Employers are allowed to
  11. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that postal workers who tested positive for drug use in a pre-employment urine test were at least 50 percent more likely to be
  12. Used properly, personality tests serve two purposes in the work place. Which of the following is one of those purposes?
  13. One key questionable premise underlying personality tests is
  14. Businesses cite several reasons for using polygraphs to detect lying. Which of the following is one of those reasons?
  15. When employees at all occupational levels are asked to rank what is important to them, the order they put them in is:


BUS 309 Quiz 8 (1)

1.       Which statement has the proper perspective about drug testing?

2.       Many major employers routinely monitor the performance of their employees through the computers and telephones they use. Employers are allowed to

3.       The Hawthorne effect shows that

4.       The proper approach to promote safety is to change the “hidden culture” to

5.       Forty-three thousand workers each year are

6.       Businesses cite several reasons for using polygraphs to detect lying. Which of the following is one of those reasons?

7.       Polygraph tests

8.       Douglas McGregor rejects Theory X, which holds that

9.       A fact about job satisfaction is

10.   The right to privacy of employees

11.   Privacy

12.   A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that postal workers who tested positive for drug use in a pre-employment urine test were at least 50 percent more likely to be

13.   When it comes to obtaining information about employees, a key concept is

14.   The most common reason that people leave their jobs is

15.   One of the three chief sources for dissatisfaction in the workplace is


BUS 309 Quiz 9

1.       A “trade secret”

2.       Whistle-blowers are only human beings, not saints, and they sometimes have their own

3.       Whistle-blowing involves exposing activities that are

4.       Insider trading is

5.       In determining the morality of giving and receiving gifts in a business situation, which of the following factors is MOST relevant?

6.       U.S. companies have a history of paying off foreign officials for business favors. Such acts were declared illegal by

7.       Experimental studies suggest that when informed that the advice they’re receiving may be biased because of a conflict of interest,

8.       Inside traders ordinarily defend their actions by claiming that they don’t injure

9.       To resolve difficult moral dilemmas, the better we understand the exact ramifications of the alternatives—the more likely we are

10.   The Donald Wohlgemuth case shows that

11.   Shaw and Barry mention three arguments for legally protecting trade secrets. Which of these is one of them?

12.   The use of one’s official position for what always raises moral concerns and questions?

13.   Conflicts of interest may exist when employees have financial investments

14.   In the 1997 case of U.S. v. Hagan, the Supreme Court found that Hagan

15.   The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)


bus 309 quiz 9 (4)

1.       Which act provides sweeping new legal protection for employees who report possible securities fraud, making it unlawful for companies to “discharge, demote, suspend, threaten, harass, or in any other manner discriminate against” them?

2.       A whistle-blower

3.       Conflicts of interest may exist when employees have financial investments

4.       Some writers deny that employees have any obligation of loyalty to the company, because

5.       Whistle-blowing involves exposing activities that are

6.       When an employee’s interests are likely to interfere with the employee’s ability to exercise proper judgment on behalf of the organization, what exists?

7.       The Donald Wohlgemuth case shows that

8.       Shaw and Barry mention three arguments for legally protecting trade secrets. Which of these is one of them?

9.       According to the Supreme Court,

10.   Inside traders ordinarily defend their actions by claiming that they don’t injure

11.   In the 1997 case of U.S. v. Hagan, the Supreme Court found that Hagan

12.   The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

13.   To resolve difficult moral dilemmas, the better we understand the exact ramifications of the alternatives—the more likely we are

14.   The use of one’s official position for what always raises moral concerns and questions?

15.   U.S. companies have a history of paying off foreign officials for business favors. Such acts were declared illegal by


BUS 309 Week 1 Quiz

Consider the following argument:

All dogs are canines.

Fido is a dog.

Therefore, Fido is a canine

Which of the following is true of this argument?

2.            All the following are true of all arguments EXCEPT:

3.            Which of the following best describes the paradox of hedonism?

4.            The divine command theory implies that:

5.            Which of the following is NOT true of legal standards?

6.            Which of the following can pressure otherwise moral people to behave immorally at work?

7.            The code or principles of conduct that a person accepts:


Consider the following argument:

All dogs are brown.

Fido is a dog.

Therefore, Fido is brown.

Which of the following is true of this argument?

9.           Which of the following statements about the relationship between religion and morality is true?

10.         Which of the following is true of standards of etiquette?

11.         If a manager within a company refuses to consider legitimate arguments against some company policy or practice, this is evidence that ___________ is affecting the business’s operations.

12.         Sound arguments:

13.         If an argument is not valid, then it is always:

14.         In a scenario in which an employee believes his actions at work won’t make a difference, we see the effects of:

15.         Which of the following questions involves thinking about ethics?


BUS 309 Week 10 Part 1 Quiz 9

1.       How many countries have passed legislation implementing the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention?

2.       What is the primary source of an organization’s right to expect employees to act on its behalf?

3.       The voluntary release of non-public information is

4.       The FCPA was passed in

5.       Nondisclosure contracts can conflict with

6.       A business fir functions

7.       The FCPA is the

8.       The notion of company loyalty, according to Shaw, is

9.       The Economic Espionage Act was passed in

10.   Proctor and Gamble once sued three rival food chains for making

11.   The SEC is the

12.   The buying or selling of stocks by business insiders on the basis of information that has not yet been made public is

13.   To pay someone to violate his or her official duties is to

14.   It is claimed that insider trading is good as it

15.   How many of the world’s industrialized nations have implemented the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention?


BUS 309 Week 11 Final Exam Part 2

One of the three chief sources for dissatisfaction in the workplace is

“Corporate in-fighting,” “management power struggles,” “maneuvering and politics and power grabbing,” and “Machiavellian intrigues” are all phrases H. Ross Perot uses to describe


Which statement has the proper perspective about drug testing?

The right to privacy of employees

Forty-three thousand workers each year are

When it comes to obtaining information about employees, a key concept is

A fact about job satisfaction is

The Donald Wohlgemuth case shows that

Conflicts of interest may exist when employees have financial investments

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

Some writers deny that employees have any obligation of loyalty to the company, because

Shaw and Barry mention three arguments for legally protecting trade secrets. Which of these is one of them?

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act

A “trade secret”

Inside traders ordinarily defend their actions by claiming that they don’t injure

What should a female employee do if she encounters sexual harassment?

The 1984 Supreme Court decision in Memphis Firefighters v. Stotts

Many Americans oppose what issue because they fear it will lead to illegal quotas, preferential treatment of African Americans and women, and even reverse discrimination against white men?

What do affirmative action programs involve?

Advocates of “comparable worth”

When investigators sent equally qualified young white and black men—all of them articulate and conventionally dressed—to apply for entry-level jobs in Chicago and Washington, D.C., the results clearly showed

What quality is more important in predicting who gets fired than job-performance ratings or even prior disciplinary history?

Opponents of comparable worth insist which one of these ideas support their position?One message that sexual harassment conveys is that managers view women as


BUS 309 Week 2 Quiz (2)

1.       If you adopt ethical egoism as your moral code, then:

2.       The statement that best defines rights is:

3.       Which of the following statements about business egoism is false?

4.       What do all utilitarians consider when determining which action to take or rule to put in place?

5.       Which of the following statements is unique to Kant’s theory of nonconsequentialism?

6.       The prima facie obligation that most directly corresponds with making an effort not to break promises is the duty of:

7.       Which theory dictates that any morally responsible organization must consider how its actions may affect the basic rights of both its members and its consumers?

8.       Lauren started the debate club at her school. When she receives the results for this year’s sign ups, the total is lower than she initially anticipated. She decides to lie to the other members of the club about the total sign ups to prevent discouragement. Which theory would NOT be in favor of Lauren’s decision to lie?

9.       The method for reaching moral decisions by combining elements of both consequentialist and nonconsequentialist theories was created by which philosopher?

10.   Nonconsequentialist theories are also known as:

11.   A utilitarian corporation would make what sort of decision?

12.   The consequentialist and nonconsequentialist theories fall within which category?

13.   Utilitarians believe we do what is right when:

14.   Kant’s hypothetical imperative:

15.   A high school student has a commitment to her soccer team, but meeting that commitment may produce undesirable results for her social life. This is an example of which of the following?


BUS 309 Week 3 Quiz

1.       According to Rawls, no person can be said to deserve his or her natural characteristics, and therefore:

2.       A person who believes that achieving desirable outcomes is more important than ensuring that each step in the process is equally fair would be considered a:

3.       The difference principle of Rawls’s theory states:

4.       If libertarianism is true, which of these statements is true?

5.       Which of the following philosophers was an early proponent of utilitarianism?

6.       The veil of ignorance assures us that people in the “original position” will be:

7.       The ethical approach that posits that the ultimate goal for society should be to achieve as much overall happiness as possible is known as:

8.       When a university pays its full-time professors—all of whom have doctorate degrees in their respective fields—a significantly larger salary than its part-time adjunct faculty—some of whom only hold master’s degrees—it is exercising the principle of:

9.       Libertarians embrace free market capitalism because:

10.   Which of the following statements is NOT a criticism of libertarianism?

11.   According to John Rawls, people in “the original position” choose the principles of justice on the basis of:

12.   Which of the following statements would a libertarian support?

13.   Which of the following is NOT a principle of distributive justice?

14.   Which of the following theories would best describe a person who believes that happiness is the only good in and of itself?

15.   According to libertarianism:


BUS 309 Week 3 Quiz (8)

1.       Kant held that a moral law must have

2.       Which theories of ethics contend that right and wrong are determined by more than the likely consequences of an action?

3.       According to V. R. Ruggiero, how many concerns are common to most ethical systems?

4.       Kant held that humanity should always be treated as

5.       Adam Smith argued that if business is left to pursue its own self-interest

6.       The view that the utilitarian standard should be applied to moral codes as a whole is

7.       Psychological hedonists hold that humans are by nature

8.       Nonconsequentialist theories are also called

9.       For Kant, the subjective principle of an action is known as a

10.   The view that we should always act so as to produce the greatest possible balance of good over bad for everyone affected by our actions is known as

11.   The “hedonic calculus” was developed by

12.   The view that it is morally acceptable for individuals to pursue their own self-interests while engaged in business is called

13.   The ethical perspective of W.D. Ross is

14.   The unnecessary buying and selling of stocks to generate commissions is known as

15.   The view that equates morality with self-interest is


BUS 309 Week 4 Assignment 1 Not All Companies Are Viewed as Equal

Assignment 1: Not All Companies Are Viewed as Equal

Due Week 4 and worth 175 points

In the land of free trade the public does not view all industries as equal. Do you believe that is ethical? Do you believe that some industries are unfairly targeted? Should it be consumers’ choice to partake in products that are not healthy for them, or do those companies have an ethical obligation to protect people? In this assignment you will choose one (1) industry to write about. Possible industries to research could be tobacco, soda, alcohol, casinos, or candy companies, just to name a few.

Write a one and a half to two (1 ½ – 2) page paper in which you:

  • Become an advocate for either the consumer or the industry. Prepare an argument explaining the major reasons why you support either the consumer or the industry.
  • Explain the role capitalism plays in corporate decision-making.
  • Discuss if you believe it is possible for a company to cater to both its best interest and that of the consumer conjointly or if one always has to prevail. Justify your response.
  • Use at least two (2) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Determine the considerations for and process of ethical business decision making to balance corporate and social responsibilities and address moral, economic, and legal concerns.
  • Analyze selected business situations using the predominant ethical theories, such as utilitarian, Kantian, and virtue ethics to guide ethical business decision making.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in business ethics.
  • Write clearly and concisely about business ethics using proper writing mechanics.


BUS 309 Week 5 Quiz

1.       In a ___________, the business is formed by an agreement entered into by its first members.

2.       Economist Milton Friedman believed as long as a business meets minimal requirements of morality, it is free to single-mindedly pursue profit. Which of the following is Friedman a proponent of?

3.       If a company has ___________, that means the members are financially accountable for the debts of the organization.

4.       A company that is vertically integrated:

5.       Which philosopher asserted that humans are entitled to the results of their labor?

6.       A socially responsible company should take responsibility for the effects its corporate decision making have on:

7.       Which of the following economic systems supports the natural right to own and oversee property?

8.       Which of the following best describes the concept of outsourcing?

9.       Which of the following principles relates to the notion that the self-interest of individuals in a capitalist market would direct the market, essentially selecting the best products, prices, and suppliers?

10.   A publicly held company:

11.   The idea of institutionalizing ethics within corporations suggests that businesses:

12.   Which of the following statements is a criticism of capitalism?

13.   Which of the following moral principles underscores capitalism?

14.   Which of the following is an aspect of corporate culture?

15.   Critics of __________ point out that with self-interest being so prevalent, the capacity for morality and concern for larger social interests is devalued.

16.   Which of the following is an accurate statement about capitalism?

17.   Which of the following statements about the broader view of corporate responsibility is true?

18.   Manufacturing was once at the center of the American economy. Roughly, what is the current percentage of the American workforce employed in manufacturing?

19.   A ________ corporation consists of investors who own all of the outstanding shares, whereas a ________ corporation has stock which may be traded among the general public.

20.   Which of the following is an argument that supports government laws and regulations controlling corporations?

21.   Economist Kenneth Arrow would be a proponent of which of the following statements?

22.   Which of the following is an accurate statement about socialism?

23.   Critics of capitalism argue that:

24.   Which of the following occurs in a free market when suppliers begin to overproduce a given product?

25.   A company with minimum work quotas may create:

26.   Which of the following is true of capitalist systems?

27.   Which of the following principles lies at the heart of the concept of the Invisible Hand?

28.   Which of the following do corporations NOT fall under?

29.   Which of the following events in the history of capitalism occurred FIRST?

30.   Proponents of the narrow view of corporate responsibility reject the __________ argument because what may be good for corporations is not necessarily what’s always best for society.


BUS 309 week 5 quiz 4

1.       The biggest five refiners in the United States control

2.       The United States owes the rest of the world

3.       Subsidies for farmers and tariffs on steel, sugar, and ethanol are examples of

4.       Karl Marx held that capitalists make profits through

5.       Capital is

6.       The view that work is valuable for its own sake is the

7.       Unlike other species, we have an almost constant need for

8.       The theory of capitalism rests on a view of humans as

9.       Historically, capitalists have made money by

10.   The hundreds of workers interviewed by Studs Terkel all spoke of

11.   Karl Marx argued that capitalism leads to

12.   Karl Marx held that workers inevitably experience

13.   What did Smith think was the regulator that keeps a community activated by self-interest stable?

14.   What we know as “capitalism” did not fully emerge until

15.   Adam Smith held that humans have a natural propensity to

16.   Who owns a company?

17.   What did Nicholas Murray Butler hold was the greatest discovery of modern times?

18.   Peter French controversially believes that corporate acts are

19.   The East India Company was formed in

20.   _______ ______ is a key feature of the modern corporation.

21.   The stakeholder model is also called the

22.   The narrow view of corporate responsibility is endorsed by

23.   Paul Camenisch holds that business

24.   The first instance of the corporate organization of a manufacturing enterprise in the United States occurred in

25.   The incorporation of business enterprises began

26.   The stock of publically held companies is traded

27.   Who wrote of “the rules of the game”?

28.   The narrow view of corporate responsibility is that corporations should only

29.   Lord Thurlow said that you could not expect a corporation to have

30.   Modern corporations are, in principle


bus 309 Week 7 Quiz

1.       ____________ role-plays provide more details about the situation and the characters.

2.       Listening to a lecture, attention begins to decline after _____ to _____ minutes and begins to _____ near the end.

3.       Which of the retention processes does a well-done lecture have the most impact on?

4.       The main advantage a lecture has over printed text and video is the

5.       _____ questions require no specific response.

6.       The difference between mentoring and coaching is

7.       Which training technique has its roots back in the Middle Ages?

8.       Which of the following training methods is most appropriate when both knowledge and skill are learning objectives?

9.       Training methods can be divided into _____ and _____ approaches.

10.   When the trainer believes a trainee has asked a question because the trainee really wants to answer but is hesitant, the trainer should respond using the______.

11.   The main difference between a lecture and a lecturette is that the lecturette

12.   Behavioral modeling is based on which theory?

13.   Demonstrations, like lectures, can be differentiated by the level of ______ of the trainee.

14.   According to the text, what is the biggest mistake made when using static media?

15.   Which of the following is NOT an example of static media?

16.   The principles of programmed instruction

17.   The user interface is the _____ that allows the trainee to interact with the Intelligent Tutoring System.

18.   For training with a strategic knowledge objective, ______.

19.   The main difference between Virtual Reality and Multimedia training is that in Virtual Reality training

20.   Self-paced learning is when the trainees

21.   Which of the following statements regarding ET is true?

22.   A “Learning Management System” for e-training

23.   One of the limitations of ET is that

24.   In Virtual Reality training, which of the following devices is NOT used to provide sensory information?

25.   In developing an ET program, which three factors need to be considered?

26.   Which of the following is NOT a potential benefit for Electronic Training?

27.   The health and safety training programs offered as canned DVD training packages are

28.   Interactive Multimedia training can be used for

29.   A major concern with ET is that

30.   Simulator sickness refers to


BUS 309 Week 8 Assignment 2 Case Study 9.5 Swedish Daddies

Assignment 2: Case Study 9.5: Swedish Daddies

Due Week 8 and worth 275 points

Read Case 9.5: Swedish Daddies, located here or on page 351 of your textbook.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you answer the following questions:

1. Describe the balance that you currently seek between career and family life. Do you believe that the mindset of corporate America is conducive to the type of work and family arrangement that would suit you? Explain the major reasons why or why not.
2. Explain whether or not you believe the United States should require companies to provide paid maternity leave. Suppose the U.S. did make maternity leave a requirement. Discuss whether or not you believe the U.S. government should assist companies to do so. Describe your stance on the U.S. requiring companies to offer paternity leave. Provide a rationale for your position.
3. Should specialized organizational arrangements be made for workers who wish to combine career and child raising? Explain why or why not. Suppose specialized organizational arrangements must be made for such workers. Identify steps that companies can take to accommodate parental needs more effectively.
4. Does a firm have an obligation to give employees the flexibility to work out the particular balance of career and family that is right for them? Or does this go beyond the social responsibilities of business? Justify your response.
5. Cite your textbook as a reference.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
• Analyze the concepts of public safety and government regulation along with the role of business responsibility.
• Recommend ways in which businesses can be partners with nature by applying the concepts of business ethics, business ecology, and environmental ethics.
• Use technology and information resources to research issues in business ethics.
• Write clearly and concisely about business ethics using proper writing mechanics


BUS 309 Week 8 Assignment 2 Workplace Ethics

Assignment 2: Case Study 9.5: Swedish Daddies

Due Week 8 and worth 275 points

Read Case 9.5: Swedish Daddies, located here or on page 351 of your textbook.

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you answer the following questions:

1. Describe the balance that you currently seek between career and family life. Do you believe that the mindset of corporate America is conducive to the type of work and family arrangement that would suit you? Explain the major reasons why or why not.

2. Explain whether or not you believe the United States should require companies to provide paid maternity leave. Suppose the U.S. did make maternity leave a requirement. Discuss whether or not you believe the U.S. government should assist companies to do so. Describe your stance on the U.S. requiring companies to offer paternity leave. Provide a rationale for your position.

3. Should specialized organizational arrangements be made for workers who wish to combine career and child raising? Explain why or why not. Suppose specialized organizational arrangements must be made for such workers. Identify steps that companies can take to accommodate parental needs more effectively.

4. Does a firm have an obligation to give employees the flexibility to work out the particular balance of career and family that is right for them? Or does this go beyond the social responsibilities of business? Justify your response.

5. Cite your textbook as a reference.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

• Analyze the concepts of public safety and government regulation along with the role of business responsibility.

• Recommend ways in which businesses can be partners with nature by applying the concepts of business ethics, business ecology, and environmental ethics.

• Use technology and information resources to research issues in business ethics.

• Write clearly and concisely about business ethics using proper writing mechanics


BUS 309 Week 8 Quiz 7

1.       When did the U.S. Supreme Court ratify the common law principle that an employer may dismiss their employees at will?

2.       An employees’ poor performance could result in

3.       Which type of interview requires employees to engage in role play in a mock office scenario?

4.       The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that a state cannot deny unemployment benefits to employees who are fired for refusing to work on

5.       How many Americans have contracts that have contractual provisions contrary to employment at will?

6.       Common law requires that an employee

7.       According to Charles Arons, the hurdles men face returning to the job market are ow many times greater than those faced by women?

8.       Acting morally is generally

9.       What led to the unionization of the U.S. auto industry?

10.   The requirement that the reasons for discipline or discharge deal directly with job performance is called

11.   The practice of showing favoritism to relatives and close friends is called

12.   Who thought the human understanding was like a false mirror?

13.   The First Amendment does not protect speech

14.   Francis Bacon referred to biases as

15.   Who sees the corporate invasion of American civil liberties as rampant?


BUS 309 Week 9 Quiz 9 (2)

1.       _____ means directing, inspiring, and motivating individuals to achieve organizational goals.

2.       Psychologist Douglas McGregor theorized that management attitudes toward workers fall into two opposing categories, which he labeled:

3.       A _____ organization creates flexibility as it brings together specialists from different areas of the company to work temporarily on individual projects.

4.       _____ leaders hoard decision-making power for themselves and typically issue orders without consulting their followers.

5.       SWOT is the acronym for:

6.       There are three basic levels of management:

7.       _____ means breaking workers into logical groups.

8.       _____ planning focuses on establishing an organization’s long-term objectives, determining broad action steps, and allocating resources.

9.       _____ is the achievement of the goals of an organization through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources.

10.   _____ managers assume that employees dislike work, that motivation is best accomplished by threats and coercion, and that people prefer to be directed rather than use their own initiative.

11.   _____ involves storing data and running applications outside the company’s firewall.

12.   _____ is a technology that stores information, such as a unique serial number, on a microchip and transmits it to a reader that’s within range.


In an effort to secure online payments, B2C e-commerce IT managers use

14.   _____ is/are the raw facts and figures businesses collect.

15.   The Business Software Alliance estimated that the piracy rate in China was about

16.   Apple’s iPad2 can complete approximately 1.5______ mathematical operations per second.


_____ is the result of creative efforts such as books, musical works, inventions, and computer software.

18.   By offering limited access of their intranets to select groups of people, firms create

19.   _____ is an Internet marketing strategy that attempts to involve customers and others not employed by the seller in activities that promote a product.

20.   A data warehouse is