ACC 561 Production Costs Memorandum.docx University of Phoenix
ACC 561 Production Costs Memorandum.docx University of Phoenix
ACC 561 Production Costs Memorandum.docx
Acc 561 Production Costs fin.docx University of Phoenix
Running head: PRODUCTION COSTS1ACC 561 Production CostsInstructor nameStudent nameDatePRODUCTION COSTS2MEMOTo: David SkarosFrom: Accounting DepartmentDate:
ACC 561 Production Costs Memorandum.docx
April 24, 2019Subject: Ending inventoryI would like to draw your attention towards the 2,000 equivalent units in the endinginventory. Considering the history of your department, it is understood that someone in yourposition will be worried about inventory and production. Not only this, but you might also beworried about the accuracy of the inventory.
ACC 561 Production Costs Memorandum.docx University of Phoenix
Acc 561 Production Costs fin.docx University of Phoenix
Running head: PRODUCTION COSTS1ACC 561 Production CostsInstructor nameStudent nameDatePRODUCTION COSTS2MEMOTo: David SkarosFrom: Accounting DepartmentDate: April 24, 2019Subject: Ending inventoryI would like to draw your attention towards the 2,000 equivalent units in the endinginventory. Considering the history of your department, it is understood that someone in yourposition will be worried about inventory and production. Not only this, but you might also beworried about the accuracy of the inventory.
ACC 561 Production Costs Memorandum.docx
I can assure you that there hasn’t been any error inthe cost report which you have received.Firstly, I would like you to have a look over the actual meaning of the equivalent units ofproduction. It means the amount of work done by the producer who has partially completed theunits on hand at the end of the financial year. (What is an equivalent unit of production?, n.d.)Both partially and fully completed units are represented as the fully completed units. Now let usconsider an example of a department that has completed 5,000 units. After the completion of5,000 units, the producer decided to produce an additional 1,000 units. Out of those, only 30% ofwork …
ACC 561 Production Costs Memorandum.docx University of Phoenix
Acc 561 Production Costs fin.docx University of Phoenix
MEMORANDUM TO: Davis Skaros, Production Manager FROM: , Senior Accountant DATE: March 11, 2019 SUBJECT: Production Cost Report CC: Comfort Chevannes , Chief Financial Officer David, we understand that you have some questions pertaining to the reporting of materials. This memo will clarify your concern of the 2,000 units in ending inventory report on the current production cost report. Equivalent unit is a physical unit expressed in terms of a finished unit. It is computed by multiplying the number of units on hand by the percentage of completion of the units (“Equivalent Units”, 2019) . Unless the units are 100% completed, the equivalent units will not match the total count of actual units. According to Bragg, “Equivalent units of production is a term applied to the work-in-process inventory at the end of an accounting period . It is the number of completed units of an item that
ACC 561 Production Costs Memorandum.docx University of Phoenix
To: Production Manager David Skaros From: Accounting Department, Megan Johns 7/1/2020 Subject: Equivalent Units at Ending Inventory Greetings Mr. Skaros, It has come to my attention you had some questions about the end of month inventory. I’d like to take the time to explain a few things. It is very important for our company to keep track of materials, in process products, and the finished product. I am aware you just took over the promotion to production manager and with the history of the department things haven’t always been accurate and that you are now trying to see that they are. I want to assure you that the cost reports sent to you are in fact accurate and I will explain why.
ACC 561 Production Costs Memorandum.docx
Homework Help – ACC–561-WEEK-4-Production-Costs-CH.doc from, ACC 561 at University of Phoenix. Running Head: PRODUCTION COSTS Production Costs
ACC 561 WEEK 4.docx, – Running head PRODUCTION file › ACC-561-WEEK-4d.,PRODUCTION COSTS2 TO: Davis Skaros, Production ManagementFROM: Senior AccountantDATE: August 16, 2017SUBJECT: Production Cost
ACC 561 Production Costs Memorandum.docx
ACC–561-Week 4-Production Cost Report.docx from ACC 561 at University of Phoenix. 1 Memorandum Dawn Creech ACC/561
ACC 561 MEMO.docx from ACC 561 at University of Phoenix.
Acc 561 production cost.docx from ACCOUNTING 561 at University of Karachi. Running Head: Production Costs Production Costs Course
Production Costs.docx from ACC 561 at University of Phoenix, Running heading: Production Costs 1 Production Costs Name ACC 561
ACC 561 Production Costs Memorandum.docx
Essay – ACC 561 Equivalent Units.docx from, ACC 561 at University of Phoenix. MEMO To: David Sakros From: Name Date: Subject: Equivalent Units
ACC/561 ACCOUNTING The Latest Version -› file › ACC-561doc View, ACC 561.doc from UNIVERSIDA 56987 at University of the Fraser Valley 700-word, informal memo and explain to Mr. Skaros why his production cost
ACC 561 Production Costs Memorandum.docx
WEEK 4 Production Costs.docx, – Production Costs ACC/561› file › WEEK-4-Production 7 May 2018, — TO: David Skaros FROM: Senior Accountant DATE: Monday, May 07, 2018 SUBJECT: Production Costs
ACC 561 Production Costs Memorandum.docx
acc 561 Production Costs Memo.docx, acc 561 Production Costs Memo.docx
ACC 561 Production Costs Memorandum.docx