A_Heath Short Paper 4_2 PSY624.docx- Snhu


A_Heath Short Paper 4_2 PSY624.docx- Snhu

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a very important topic, as its consequences affect the mental, and physical well-being of individuals who are in a relationship. Treating the victims and the batterers can present many challenges in developing a successful plan. The Duluth Model presents a treatment plan for IPV that has good and bad points. The Duluth Model is a psycho educational model that “views domestic violence as a result of both patriarchal ideology and implicit and explicit societal sanctioning of men’s use of power and control over women”[CITATION Mei151 \l 1033 ]. The Duluth model also uses information in a “Power and Control Wheel to illustrate the pattern of abuse that includes intimidation, male privilege, isolation,emotional and economic abuse” [CITATION Mei151 \l 1033 ]. The Duluth Model also takes the blame of abuse off the victim and places the accountability onto the offender [CITATIONDom17 \l 1033 ].


A_Heath Short Paper 4_2 PSY624.docx- Snhu

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) is a very important topic, as its consequences affect the mental, and physical well-being of individuals who are in a relationship. Treating the victims and the batterers can present many challenges in developing a successful plan. The Duluth Model presents a treatment plan for IPV that has good and bad points. The Duluth Model is a psycho educational model that “views domestic violence as a result of both patriarchal ideology and implicit and explicit societal sanctioning of men’s use of power and control over women”[CITATION Mei151 \l 1033 ]. The Duluth model also uses information in a “Power and Control Wheel to illustrate the pattern of abuse that includes intimidation, male privilege, isolation,emotional and economic abuse” [CITATION Mei151 \l 1033 ]. The Duluth Model also takes the blame of abuse off the victim and places the accountability onto the offender [CITATIONDom17 \l 1033 ].

A_Heath Short Paper 4_2 PSY624.docx- Snhu

The Duluth Model uses a feminist approach to treat perpetrators, however IPV is evident in homosexual relationships and can be female-on-male. Tillyer and Wright (2013), point out that “studies examining the victim-offender overlap indicate that offending increases the likelihood of victimization, but also that victimization increases the likelihood of offending.”Furthermore, Anderson (2014) writes that “In national surveys, around half of intimate partner violence, perpetrators are also victims of partner assaults. However, data on intimate partner violence victimization and perpetration are rarely examined together.” While the Duluth Model is a popular choice for treatment, it doesn’t effectively treat couples. The male is targeted with the blame, when many cases of IPV there can be a victim-offender overlap, or where bot.

A_Heath Short Paper 4_2 PSY624.docx- Snhu



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